潘慧玲Hui-Lin Pan洪慧玲Hui-Lin Hong2019-08-282009-2-192019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694000092%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90082本研究是從非傳統政策分析的觀點切入,將《性別平等教育法》視為文本與論述,並配合時空脈絡的理解,針對其條文內容背後隱藏的知識、權力觀點進行論述分析。首先研究者透過相關政策文本的統整,描繪出教育部性別平等教育政策發展過程之圖像,以瞭解《性別平等教育法》形成之社會背景;其次,則是探討利益團體如何於立法過程中,發揮影響力,將其理念轉化成具體政策。最後,深入分析《性別平等教育法》條文、《性別平等教育法施行細則》與立法理由,輔以草案擬訂者的訪談紀錄,探析法案形成的脈絡、過程與制訂者對於條文內容的影響,藉以瞭解意識型態如何呈現於法律規定。 研究發現性別意涵逐漸從兩性轉為性別,其多元化的取向在《性別平等教育法》之前尚不明顯,後經葉永鋕事件影響而促使教育界對於性別意涵的反省,《性別平等教育法》亦趨向性別多元化,尊重性別氣質與性傾向,以改善某些性別族群在校園中弱勢的情況。另外,為透過教育落實憲法所宣稱之實質平等,除了取消入學的限制、給予相同的潛能發展機會,積極協助性別弱勢族群與懷孕學生也是《性別平等教育法》與以往政策不同之處。整體而言,禁止歧視與鼓勵多元為《性別平等教育法》所強調的兩大精神,透過教育的方式落實性別平等概念,以機會平等的方式達成性別平等社會的理想。研究建議未來修法可處理相關法規之競合,以精緻師資培育、課程、教學的規定,並提昇教評會運作效率;擴及《性別平等教育法》適用對象至幼稚教育、軍校與警校,以全面落實性別平等教育工作。Based on a non-traditional perspective of policy analysis, the study, regarding Gender Equity Education Act as texts and discourses, aimed to investigate the knowledge and power conceptualization behind the articles of the Act with the understanding of the context. First of all, the researcher portrayed the policy development of gender equity education to present the social context for enacting Gender Equity Education Act. Secondly, how the interest groups using their influence to transform ideas into concrete policy in the legislative process was examined. Finally, the ideology hidden in the Act was investigated by analyzing the contents of the Act and its Rules, as well as the interview of people who were involved in the formation of the Act. It was found that the meaning of gender has enlarged from males and females to multi-genders, especially after the Yong-Zhi Ye incident, which caused the educational circle to reflect the meaning of gender and started to respect different gender temperaments and sexual orientations. Furthermore, positive discrimination for assisting the gender minority and pregnant students was enforced in the Act. In sum, to eliminate gender discrimination and encourage diversity are the two principles stressed in the Act, and the ultimate goal is to establish a society of gender equity by the means of education.性別平等性別平等教育法論述分析gender equalityGender Equality Education Actdiscourse analysis性別平等教育法形成之論述分析The Formation of Gender Equity Education Act:A Discourse Analysis