邵軒磊Shao, Hsuan-Lei林靖琬Lin, Chin-Wan2019-08-282016-02-202019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060283007I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85814  1978年,中國政府開始進行「改革開放」政策;至今,明顯地中國之政經影響力已經遍布世界各地,一般稱為「中國崛起」。因此,泰國作為鄰國,也把中國當作最重要的貿易對象,其對泰國政治也是影響甚鉅。然而,由於先前研究的不足,泰國社會對於「中國」,一般缺乏認識。因此,本研究將探討自1975年7月後,中國與泰國官方關係建立,至今約40年間,對於中國經濟的研究機構、研究者以及整理其他相關研究途徑,探討泰國如何研究中國。   本研究將使用兩部分之質性研究,包括文獻分析與深入訪談。筆者由訪問代表性 學者和蒐集他們之前的研究資料,得以整理出影響泰國中國研究者從事中國觀之因素。此外,本文也探討他們對於後續中國研究者的影響,將有助於本文闡述中 國研究在泰國的可能前景。本研究成果將提供後續研究者有關「中國學知識社群」(Communities of China-studies, Sinology)研究途徑的生動知識;本文也提供詳盡資料,為外國學者說明值得注意的泰國學者和以前泰國學界重要之中國研究成果。本文提供了瞭解泰國社會文化之途徑,並期待未來能更多促進外國 學者與泰國學者之合作。China government started “reform and open policy”, and their economic growth had continually begun. It is obviously that the influence of China has spread all over the world, also calles “the rise of China” . Currently, China is the most important trading country for Thailand. However, there is an insufficient accurate understanding of the Chinese economy among the Thai society. Due to the inadequacy of prior study, this research will explore China Studies in Thailand after official relations were establishedon July 1, 1975. It will focus on the studies of China’s economy as well as its performance and characteristic. The main question for the research is to explore what institutes, researchers and their agendas in Thailand. In order to contribute the study, the qualitative data collection technique will be used to conduct the study is divided into two parts, which are the document research and the in-depth interview. The involvement of information of scholars and prior studies will identify China Studies’ performance in Thailand. In addition, the data from existing works will provide the findings of the characteristic and effects of China Studies Communities in Thailand, led to limitations. Furthermore, investigating their effects will contribute to the possible prospect. The accomplishment of this research offers academics, students, and people who are interested in China Studies a vivid knowledge of the research field, it also provides thorough information gathered from noteworthy scholars and previous research in Thailand. Moreover, it will generate an understanding regarding Chinese Economic Studies in Thailand for foreign scholars, offering a ladder to cooperate in the future.中國研究泰國中國經濟中泰關係China StudieChinese EconomicsThai-Chinese Relations泰國之中國經濟研究—機構、人物與議題Chinese Economic Studies in Thailand—Institutes,Researchers and Agendas