湯仁燕宋健誌2019-08-282017-01-172019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699000346%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90253本研究目的在於了解國中生對公民科的看法、在公民科學習歷程中的經驗,並以此探討影響學生公民科學習經驗的因素。 本研究以觀察、訪談與文件分析蒐集研究資料,研究場域為臺中市一所公立國中,參與者為一班九年級學生,共37位。研究者觀察學生在公民課學習時的行為反應,並透過訪談進一步探究行為背後的原因及其對公民科在教學、教材、評量等面向的想法。 根據研究發現,本研究結論如下: 壹、學生認為公民科是「簡單」但「難考」、重「理解」而非「死背」、與「生活」相關且「實用」的課程,有實施之必要 貳、學生感受的公民科教學歷程受教師的教主導,學習經驗圍繞在教科書「知識」的重點擷取。「老師講,我聽」、「使用自編講義和黑板筆記來輔助教學」是其主要的課堂經驗 參、學生的學習歷程受評量考試的目的性導引,易輕忽公民科的教學目標。「考前才複習的讀書習慣」、「看課本、看講義、做題目」是其主要學習經驗 肆、學生認為選擇題的測驗卷會限制思考,教師檢討考卷時又較為制式,故期望公民科課程能「跳脫課本與生活和時事連結」、「從活動中帶出課程內涵」,並希望教學歷程中多一點「師生互動」,增加跟課程有關、可以玩的活動 伍、公民科學習經驗受到「教師」、「學生個人」、「課程內容」、「課堂互動」和「評量的目的與形式」的影響,其中又以「教師教學」和「評量」影響最深 基於上述結論,本研究從三個面向提出研究建議。首先,在教師教學方面,教學方法應多元而不花俏,讓學生成為教學的重心,協助學生培養主動探究與統整學科知識內容的能力,並透過良好的師生互動來了解學生的想法。其次,在課程教材方面,教師應多選用生活化議題融入教科書文本,並將評量作為培養學生公民知識、態度與行動的輔助工具,以促進學生學習。最後,在未來研究方面,建議研究者可調整研究場域的條件、限縮課程的範圍、拉長觀察期間、增加訪談的次數,也可參酌加入教師訪談作為與學生經驗之對照。The purpose of this study is to focus on students’ learning experiences on civic curriculum of junior high school. The findings of this study showed that the influential factors of students’ civic curriculum learning experiences. The researcher utilized participatory observation, interview and document analysis to collect research data, and to study students’ learning experiences on civic curriculum. This study involved 37 ninth-grade students of junior high school in Taichung County. Researcher observed the reactions of students in civic class, and interviewed students in order to comprehend the pattern behind behaviors which influenced the thinking of teaching, teaching materials and assessments. The research conclusions are as follows: 1. Students think civic curriculum is "easy" but "difficult to test" , to focus on "understanding" rather than "memorization" , related to "life" and "practical", and it's necessary to implement. 2. Teaching in civic curriculum is teacher centered, and students’ learning experiences focus on the knowledge of textbook, which includes " teacher taught , student listened" , " notes on blackboard and handouts are auxiliaries in teaching". 3. The learning process of students is driven by assessment, which easily omits teaching objects of civic curriculum. The major learning experiences include "review before test" , "study text books, handouts and practice by doing questions." 4. Students think that the multiple choice question would limit thinking and teacher reviews the answers mechanically. They expect the civic curriculum would "jump out of the textbooks and link to hot news", "bring out context through activities" and more " teacher-student interactions". 5. The learning experiences of civic curriculum is influenced by "teacher", "students self" , "context" , "interaction" and " assessment", especially profoundly influenced by "teacher" and " assessment". Based on conclusions, suggestions are from three perspectives. First is about teaching, teaching methods should diversification but not fancy, helping students study actively and able to integrate knowledge of subject. Second is teaching material, issues can be involved in textbooks, and assessment can cultivate students' civic knowledge, attitude and action. The last is future study, suggestions for future researchers are as follows: modulate the conditions of study field, narrow the ranges of course and lengthen the period of observation, more interview times and contrast to teacher interview and students' experiences.學生觀點國中公民科學習經驗students’perspectivecivic curriculumlearning experience國中生公民科學習經驗之探究—學為公民?