姜逸群Chinag Yi-Chyun鄭麗媛Cheng,Li-Yuan2019-08-282013-1-132019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0895050066%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88041本研究主要目的在探討學習型態與訊息回饋策略運用對國小學童飲食學習效果(知識、態度、行為與學習動機)之影響。本研究採實驗組與對照組前後測設計,以新竹市某國小四年級四個班級144名學生為對象,其中二班為實驗組(區分成合作學習詳細回饋組與合作學習簡單回饋組),二班為對照組(區分成個別學習詳細回饋組、個別學習簡單回饋組)。四組學童於前測及後測進行問卷調查的測量,並以二因子共變數分析等方法進行統計分析。本研究重要結果如下: 一、國小學童在飲食知識、飲食態度與飲食動機的學習效果上,合作學習型態顯著優於個別學習型態。 二、國小學童飲在食動機學習效果上,詳細回饋方式顯著優於簡單回饋方式。 三、國小學童在飲食知識、飲食動機的學習效果上,合作學習詳細回饋組顯著優於其他三組。 本研究結果顯示合作學習型態有利於提升學童飲食知識、飲食態度、飲食動機之學習效果;詳細回饋方式對提升學童飲食動機的學習效果很有助益;合作學習詳細回饋方式有助於學童飲食知識與飲食動機學習效果之改善。因此建議國小健康教育教師可參考本研究之結果運用於健康教育教學,以提升學童之學習效果。The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of learning style and information feedback strategies on elementary students' achievement (knowledge, attitude, behavior and learning motivation). A total of 144 students were selected from four 4th-grade classes of an elementary school in Hsinchu City. These classes were divided into the experimental group (2 classes) and the control group (2 classes). The experimental group was further divided into “the cooperative learning with elaborative feedback group” and “the cooperative learning with knowledge of correct response group”. The control group was further divided into “the self-learning with elaborative feedback group” and “the self-learning with knowledge of correct response group”. All students completed the survey-questionnaires twice for the pre-test and the post-test. Finally, a two-way ANCOVA was utilized for statistical analysis. The major findings of research were as followings: 1.The cooperative learning style was significantly greater than individual learning style in terms of elementary students’ diet knowledge, attitude, and learning motivation. 2.The elaborative feedback strategy was significantly better than knowledge of correct response strategy in terms of the elementary students’ diet learning motivation. 3.“The cooperative learning style with elaborative feedback group” had better diet knowledge and learning motivation than the other three groups. The results showed the cooperative learning style was helpful in improving students’ achievement of diet knowledge, diet attitude, and diet learning motivation. The elaborative feedback strategy was very helpful in increasing students’ diet learning motivation and the teaching method combining cooperative learning style with elaborative feedback strategy was helpful in improving students’ achievement of diet knowledge and learning motivation. The implications for designing curricular for teaching health educators to improve students’ learning effect and future research are discussed.學習型態合作學習訊息回饋飲食教育learning stylecooperative learninginformation feedbackdiet education學習型態與訊息回饋策略運用對國小學童學習效果之研究—以飲食教育為例The Effects of Learning Style and Information Feedback Strategies on Elementary Students' Achievement: An Example from Dietary Education