林清南徐昊杲Ching-Nan Lin, How-Gao Hsu2019-08-122019-08-122017-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83916本研究旨在探討與比較海峽兩岸高等技職教育發展的歷程,採用比較教育研究法,首先,說明本研究的目的和海峽兩岸高等技職教育發展的趨勢;繼之,分別探討海峽兩岸高等技職教育發展的歷程,而後加以進行比較;結果發現海峽兩岸高等技職教育的發展歷程,皆是先由規模擴張開始,接著朝向品質提升以及特色多元的發展;最後,提出海峽兩岸高等技職教育在規模的擴張要注意生源問題和建全技職體系,在品質的提升要配合產業需求和提升至本科(大學)層級,在多元和特色要落實務實致用和全人教育理念等建議。This paper aims to explore and compare the development process of cross-strait higher technological and vocational education by adopting comparative education research method. First, it describes the purpose of research and the trend of cross-strait higher technological and vocational education. Next, it explores the development process of cross-strait higher technological and vocational education, and then compares them. Research findings reveal that in the development process of cross-strait higher technological and vocational education, it has started from the scale expansion, and then has been oriented toward quality optimization, characterization and diversification. Finally, this paper concluded some practical recommendations. First, it should pay attention to the problems of student source and the improvement of technological and vocational education system in the scale expansion. Second, it should meet the needs of industry and enhance students’ quality to the undergraduate level in quality upgrading. The last, it should carry out pragmatism and holistic education philosophy in characterization and diversification.海峽兩岸高等技職教育比較研究Cross-StraitTechnological and Vocational Higher EducationComparative Research海峽兩岸高等技職教育發展歷程之比較研究Comparative Study of the Development Process of Cross-Strait Higher Technological and Vocational Education