范聖韜Fan, Sheng-Tao林邑函Lin, Yi-Han2024-12-172024-07-292024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bfae5b6a5c80e96395b11fb2de097462/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123815本研究旨在探討,繪本如何融入國中表演藝術課程,主要是在戲劇教學。本論文研究為質性研究,主要採用教學實務研究法。研究者於2023年2月至5月,進入桃園市某私立高中國中部,對一年級九個班級的學生,進行為期九週的繪本融入表演藝術課程。研究者並輔以訪談調查、觀察研究以及三角檢核法。研究工具包括:研究者兼教學者的教案設計、教學者教學日誌、對三位藝術領域教師的訪談記錄,以及學生課堂學習單的回饋。本研究提出三項結論:一、繪本融入表演藝術課程,對學生在戲劇呈現上,有具體化引導抽象思維的幫助。二、繪本作為輔助教材,融入表演藝術課程,可藉由聯想創作出文本作品或是肢體表演,提升學生創造力。三、繪本能夠將議題融入課程主題,引發學生反思能力。This study aims to explore how picture books are integrated into junior high school performing arts curriculum, specifically within drama education. It adopts a qualitative research approach, primarily utilizing educational practice research methodology. From February to May 2023, the researcher conducted a nine-week program at the junior high division of a private high school in Taoyuan City, Taiwan, involving nine classes of first-year students. The study employed interview surveys, observational research, and triangulation methods. Research tools included the researcher-teacher’s lesson plans, the teacher’s teaching journals, interview questionnaires with three arts domain teachers, and feedback from students’ classroom learning sheets. The study presents three main conclusions: First, integrating picture books into the performing arts curriculum aids students in concretely guiding abstract thinking in theatrical presentations. Second, using picture books as supplementary materials in performing arts courses enhances student creativity through creating textual works or physical performances. Third, integrating picture books can incorporate issues into course themes, stimulating students' reflective abilities.繪本戲劇教學品德Picture BooksDrama EducationMorality以繪本融入國中表演藝術教學之探索與應用The Exploration and Application of Integrating Picture Books into Performing Arts Teaching in Junior High Schools學術論文