宋秋美程炳林周啟葶2014-10-272014-10-272010-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11530社會認知論的觀點一向認為學習動機受到個人與教室情境交互作用的影響,卻很少這方面的實徵研究。有鑑於此,本研究主要目的:(1)考驗個人四向度目標導向因果模式是否受到觀察資料的支持;(2)分析不同課室目標結構組對四向度個人目標導向因果模式依變項的調節效果。受試者選自台北市1,261 位高二學生,接受以英語學習領域為主的測量,所蒐集的資料以結構方程模式(SEM)及多群組分析進行統計考驗。研究結果顯示:(1)四向度目標導向因果模式具有理想的整體適配度及不錯的內在品質,適合用來解釋高中生英語學習的觀察資料(2)因果模式部分依變項對依變項的直接效果,受到其知覺的課室目標結構所調節,這樣的結果支持基準目標理論和多重目標理論,但不支持修正目標理論。本研究根據研究結果在理論及實務上進行討論,並對提出教學與未來研究的建議。The view of social cognitive theory has always emphasized that learning motivation is influenced by the interaction between personal learner and his perceptions of classroom situations, but very few empirical studies have explored moderating effects of different classroom situations on the relations among personal learning motivation, learning strategies or achievement. Based on English learning, the purpose of this study was to: (a) test the 4-dimensional goal orientation causal model with empirically observed data; (b) analyze the moderating effects of classroom goal structures on the dependent variables of 4-dimensional goal orientation causal model. The participants were 1,261 students from 17 senior high schools. The observed data were analyzed by SEM and multi-sample analysis. The results of this study show that: (a) the theoretical model is appropriate to examine the empirically observed data; (b) the following relations are moderated by students' perceptions of classroom goal structures: direct effects of mastery avoidance goal, performance approach goal and performance avoidance goal on deep English learning strategies, direct effect of performance avoidance goal on English achievement test, direct effect of deep English learning strategies on English achievement test. Such findings support normative goal theories and multiple goal theories, but do not support revised goal theories. Lastly, implications for instructional practice and future research were discussed.目標導向課室目標結構結構方程模式調節效果classroom goal structuresgoal orientationStructural Equation ModelingSEMmoderating effects課室目標結構對個人目標導向的調節效果