林振興Lin, Zhen-Xing劉迪玥Liu, Ti-Yueh2023-12-082022-07-252023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/46b2403e2df19105563c03b114c32581/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119067具有文化附加義的詞彙裡,動物詞彙不僅在華語學習者的學習初級階段就會出現,本身也被賦予感情色彩,表現出與華人文化的聯繫,而熟語則是華語學習者接觸華人文化的濫觴,包含的內容十分豐富,除了說明本身意思以外,也可以拆分出詞彙進行教學,還可以探討背後蘊含的思想或故事,因此透過包含動物詞彙的熟語教學能帶領華語學習者由淺入深的了解華人文化,並運用到交際中豐富談話內容。本論文探討動物熟語華語教材的設計與研究,透過文獻研究法、問卷調查法和統計分析法,探究教材設計應如何選擇教學內容和呈現熟語教學,說明設計動物熟語華語教材的步驟,歷經文獻蒐集和探討、熟語挑選和篩選、教材參考和編寫等等,實際設計出三課樣課作為嘗試,接著進行教材評估和結果討論。由於文化的估量並非易事,因此雖然研究的是文化教材,其內容的選擇目前只能從語言方面的評估進行選擇。從研究結果來看,調查多位現職華語教師,讓其根據自身教學經驗和想法進行熟語挑選的結果是可行的,將這些資料進行統計分析後,研究者再以熟語難易度和日常生活出現頻率作為刪減考量。理想的順序是先考量使用頻率再考量難易度,但由於使用頻率較難檢測,語料庫又受限於資料蒐集來源和範圍,因此優先考量熟語難易度,同樣以華語教師對熟語的整體難易度評分進行篩檢和調整。本論文提供動物熟語教材一種有根據的選擇教學內容方式,並利用熟語裡動物詞彙的文化附加義設計出有系統的熟語教材,期望本論文研究結果能對動物熟語華語教材設計相關研究有所幫助。Words with animal references appear from the ground level of Chinese learning, and they are especially crucial connections to understanding Chinese culture. We can not only explain the meanings of idioms and introduce the vocabulary, but explore the stories behind them as well. Through teaching idioms, learners can understand Chinese culture thoroughly and learn how to use idioms to enrich conversations.This thesis discussed the design and research of animal idioms in Chinese teaching materials. It hereby illustrated how to choose teaching content and present idiom teaching in material design and explained the steps to designing animal idioms in Chinese teaching materials through the methodology of literature research, questionnaire survey, and statistical analysis. After conducting the literature research, idiom selection and filtering, textbook analysis and compilation, three sample lessons were actually designed as an attempt followed by evaluation and result discussion.Since cultural evaluation was not an easy task, although the study was related to cultural textbooks, the selection of their content could only be considered from the evaluation of language. Judging from the research results, it was feasible to decide on the teaching content by investigating Chinese teachers based on their own teaching experience and ideas. After statistical analysis of these data, the researcher took the difficulty of idioms and the frequency of daily life usage as the deletion considerations. The ideal sequence is to consider the frequency of usage and then the difficulty. However, because it was difficult to detect the frequency of usage and the corpus was limited by the source and scope of data collection, the difficulty of the idiom was given priority. The overall difficulty of the idiom was also scored by Chinese teachers.This thesis provided a method of selecting suitable animal idioms for teaching for animal idioms learning materials, and classified idioms with the categorization of animals and their references to design systematic idiom teaching materials. Hopefully, the research results will be of great reference in the future for designing Chinese teaching materials for animal idioms.動物熟語熟語教學教材設計animal idiomsidiom teachingteaching material design動物熟語華語教材設計與研究The Design and Research of Chinese Teaching Materials for Animal Idiomsetd