葉坤靈Kuen-Ling Yeh林以璇Yi Hsuan, Lin2019-08-282015-2-112019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060000008E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90000國立台灣大學的通識教育發展可追溯自1980年代虞兆中校長所規劃的十三門選修課程,影響到教育部於1984年所頒佈「大學通識教育選修科目實施要點」。做為我國高等教育的第一學府,台大的通識教育幾經變革,自2007年實施八大核心領域課程架構,該架構的推動更使得台大在教育部所辦理的通識教育評鑑中獲得「表現最佳」之美譽,而制度的實施除了政策方面的推動外,實際的成效才是課程制度能否成功的關鍵,因此,本研究除了文獻上的探究之外,更進一步深入訪談,以了解課程實施後,做為大學成員的教師與學生的實際感受。同時參酌國外通識教育的實施經驗,梳理出通識教育可能的發展及改革方向。General education in National Taiwan University could be traced back to 1980’s.During his presidency (1981-1984), president Yu planned the thirteen courses, which had an overwhelming effect on the policy of general education of Ministry of Education in 1984. As one of the most outstanding universities in Taiwan, general education in NTU had done several great reforms since 2000. Based on these renovations, NTU had reformulatedits original general education courses into eight core curriculum areas in 2007. Through these successive and unremitting efforts, the general education of NTU was praised as “the best performance” by General Education Evaluation hosted by the Ministry of Education. This study by means of the literature review and the in-depth interviews aims to inquire into the general education reforms of NTU since 2007. By marshalling the historical development of general education of NTU and trying to glean ideas from the experiences of general education of Harvard University and Chinese University, this study makes an attempt to reveal the main characteristic features and weaknesses of general education of NTU and some suggestions for improving the general education of higher education in Taiwan.通識教育台大通識教育台灣通識教育general educationNTU general educationgeneral education in Taiwan2007年以降國立臺灣大學通識教育改革之探討A Study on National Taiwan University General Education Reform since 2007