國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系劉文彬2016-01-122016-01-122009-06-010301-9667http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76554科西嘉民族自決運動於一九七○年代復甦,然而歷經三十餘年之奮 鬥,該島至今仍未能自治或獨立。本文認為,科西嘉民族自決運動係因遭 遇民族主義勢力分裂且相互殘殺、法國政府採取鎮壓與懷柔的兩手策略、 科西嘉人口流失、宗派之制約、缺乏國際奧援等五項障礙而無法達成目 標。在上述障礙中,第一項障礙最為關鍵,因為它導致科西嘉民族自決運 動勢力削弱且流失科西嘉人民之支持,因此該島民族自決運動如欲走出困 境,應先從排除第一項障礙著手。Corsica’s national self-determination movement revived in 1970s. Although this movement has lasted for over thirty years, Corsica has not yet got the autonomous rights or independent status today. This article argues that this predicament is caused by the following five obstacles: the divisions and murders among the nationalists, the suppression and appeasement policies adopted by the French governments, the gradual loss of Corsica’s population, the challenge of traditional clans, and the lack of international support. Among the obstacles mentioned above, the author believes that the first obstacle is the most critical, since it not only weakened the power of national self-determination movement but also resulted in the loss of Corsicans’ support. Therefore, Corsica’s nationalists should first overcome it if they want this movement to get out of the present predicament.科西嘉民族自決去中央化政策宗派CorsicaNational self-determinationDecentralization policyClan科西嘉民族自決運動之困境The Predicament of Corsica's National Self-determination Movement