王櫻芬Wang, Ying-Fen劉柳吟Liu, Liu-Yin2022-06-082026-08-252022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d3b2334ccd3bf30ada2f45ded0293ddd/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116757本研究旨在探討敘事取向團體輔導對於改善兒童的同儕適應困擾和提升其自尊的輔導成效。本研究採取不等組前後測與追蹤測之準實驗設計,以臺北市某國小16名有同儕適應困擾的高年級學童為研究對象,將其分為實驗組與控制組。實驗組接受為期六週,每次40分鐘,每週兩次的實驗處理,控制組則未接受實驗處理。兩組成員皆於實驗處理前、後及實驗處理結束一個月後,接受「國小學童同儕適應量表」與「國小高年級學生自尊量表」施測,所得的資料以SPSS 23.0版套裝軟體進行曼惠特尼U檢定法,並輔以回饋單與團體結束後之成員個別訪談作為研究佐證與補充。本研究結果如下:一、對改善兒童之「同儕適應困擾」未具有立即和持續性輔導效果。 二、提升同儕適應困擾兒童之「自尊」未具有立即和持續性輔導效果。 三、質性資料結果顯示,成員對團體活動感到滿意,書寫故事的過程雖然辛苦,但當每次的故事完成和將替代故事作成小書後,讓成員覺得更認識自己、瞭解同儕適應困擾的原因和找到因應方式,為此感到很有成就感。 最後,本研究依據上述結果提出建議,供未來研究者或相關輔導助人工作者參考。This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of narrative-oriented group in addressing children's peer relationship problems and enhancing their self-esteem. The research takes a quasi-experimental approach by using pretest-posttest and nonequivalent -group design. The subjects consist of 16 fifth or sixth graders who have peer relationship problems in Taipei. These students are divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received experimental treatments for 40 minutes over six-week period and twice a week. The control group, on the other hand, did not receive experimental treatments.The children of both groups are arranged to take the pre-test, post-test and postponed-test on"Peer Adaptation Scale for Primary School Children" and the "Self-Esteem Scale for Senior Primary School Students". Collecting data is analyzed with Mann-Whitney Test in SPSS 23.0. In addition, feedback forms and individual interviews with the members after the section are presented to support and validate. The major findings are as follows: 1.No significant difference can be observed in improving children’s "peer relationship problems" at the end of the treatment and after one month. 2.No significant difference can be observed in improving the"self-esteem" of children who have peer relationship problems at the end of the treatment and after one month. 3. The results of qualitative data show that the children are satisfied with the group counseling. Although the process of writing stories is challenging, these target students find more about themselves after story book making activities. Meanwhile, they are encouraged to deal with their situations in peer relationship in a more self-conscious way. They find themselves content in addressing their interpersonal issues.Finally, recommendations based on this research are intended for future researchers or those involving counseling.敘事取向團體敘事治療同儕適應困擾自尊Narrative-oriented groupsNarrative therapypeer relationship problemsself-esteem敘事取向團體輔導對國小同儕適應困擾兒童之介入成效The Effectiveness of Narrative-Oriented Group on Children Troubled by Peer Relationship Problems學術論文