孔麒源戴永褆2014-10-272014-10-272006-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6827自2005年7月至12月以浮潛觀察法於屏東縣萬安溪調查臺灣石□之棲地利用。依體長區分小魚(1-4cm)、中魚(5-9cm)、大魚(>10cm)三種體型。棲地利用測量變數包括上層遮蔽度、水深、底層水溫、溶氧與底質。小魚選擇各項棲地變數之平均值分別為:上層遮蔽度16%、水深85.2cm、底層水溫23.5℃、溶氧9.2mg/L;中魚則為上層遮蔽度17%、水深105.8cm、底層水溫23.6℃、溶氧9.5mg/L;大魚選擇上層遮蔽度、水深、底層水溫、溶氧則分別為18%、106.9cm、23.9℃、8.9mg/L。三種體型臺灣石□皆選擇岩壁(Bedrock)及大巨石(Boulder)為底質需求。小魚在雨、旱季間選擇水深顯著不同;中、大魚則無差異。本研究結果顯示,臺灣石□對棲地選擇依據二階段生活史而異;對岩壁及大巨石之偏好與覓食無關,而與躲藏及障蔽功能有關。Snorkeling was utilized to investigate habitat use of Acrossocheilus paradoxus in Uanan creek, Pingtung since July to December, 2005. Fishes were divided into three size classes (i.e. juvenile, subadult, and adult) according to total length. Habitat use variables included overhead cover, depth, temperature, DO, and substrate. Averages of variables selected by juvenile were: overhead cover 16%, depth 85.2cm, temperature 23.5℃ and DO 9.2mg/L. Subadult selected overhead cover 17%, depth 105.8cm, temperature 23.6℃ and DO 9.5mg/L, while adult selected 18%, 106.9cm, 23.9℃ and 8.9mg/L respectively. Bedrock and boulder were preferred by all size classes of fishes. Significant difference appeared in depth selection between flood and drought seasons on juvenile, but neither on subadult and adult. Our conclusions were that habitat use of Acrossocheilus paradoxus was different at its two life history stages, and selection of bedrock and/or boulder were related to hiding and sheltering, but not feeding.臺灣石魚賓棲地利用生態工法水深生活史淡水魚溪流底質Acrossocheilus paradoxusHabitat useEcotechnologyDepthLife historyFreshwater fishStreamSubstrate屏東縣萬安溪臺灣石魚賓(Acrossocheilus Paradoxus)之棲地利用Habitat Use of Acrossocheilus Paradoxus in Uanan Creek, Pingtung