沈慶盈博士朱妙芳2019-08-292009-7-282019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095023121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92293本研究的主要目的在瞭解高齡者的人際關係與幸福感之關係,採調查研究法,選取台北縣三鶯區200位65歲以上高齡者為研究對象,研究工具以「高齡者人際關係與幸福感之調查問卷」為主。問卷內容包括個人背景資料、人際關係量表及幸福感量表等三部份。採SPSS統計軟體,以平均數、標準差、T考驗、ANOVA、相關及迴歸等統計方法加以印證分析,茲將主要研究發現歸納如下: 一、整體而言,高齡者的人際關係及幸福感狀況不錯。 二、高齡者人際關係方面 (一)女性高齡者在親密朋友數、與朋友聯絡次數及友誼支持度均顯著高於男性高齡者。 (二)「教育程度」、「財務滿意」、「健康狀況」等個人背景變項與人際關係有顯著正相關;此外,閩南高齡者的人際量表分數顯著高於客家高齡者。 (三)人際關係的四個分層面中,「親密朋友數」、「朋友互動頻率」、「朋友親近程度」與「友誼支持度」彼此間的關係皆達顯著正相關。 三、高齡者幸福感方面 (一)高齡者的「年齡」與幸福感達顯著負相關;「教育程度」、「財務滿意」、「健康狀況」等與幸福感則達顯著正相關。 (二)在人際關係層面中,「親密朋友數」、「與朋友互動頻率」(包含互動頻率與互動方式多寡)、「朋友親近程度」、「友誼支持程度」與幸福感均達顯著正相關。 四、個人背景變項與人際關係對整體幸福感之多元階層迴歸分析結果顯示,個人背景變項區組共可解釋幸福感38.3%的變異量,其中「財務滿意」與「健康狀況」兩者的個別解釋力達顯著水準;而加入人際關係區組對於幸福感的解釋力則可以增加24.7%的變異量,其中「友誼支持程度」、與「親密好友數」兩者的個別解釋力達顯著水準。整體模式則共可解釋幸福感變異量的62.9%,個別變項中則以「友誼支持程度 」的預測力最佳。 本文最後則根據文獻及研究結果,對高齡者提出的建議為應如下: ㄧ、對高齡者建議: (一)重視高齡者生理健康的需求,加強自我保健觀念。 (二)調適心態,開闊心胸,自信安排自己生活。 (三)不再僅依賴子女奉養,高齡者理財觀念的調整。 (四)參與多元學習課程。 二、對社政機關建議: (一)加強社區為基礎的照顧網絡。 (二)重視高齡者經濟安全,提供多元福利服務 (三)推廣高齡者多元課程,專長分享。The purpose of this research is to understand the relation between interpersonal relations and well-being of elderly. This research employed survey study. Moreover, a questionnaire “The Survey of interpersonal relations and well-being of senior adults” was developed, and administered to a sample of 200 senior adults, who aged above 65, living in Sun-Ying District, Taipei County. The questionnaire was divided into three sections, including: personal information, interpersonal scale, and well-being scale. The data which was analysed by using SPSS satistic software; means, standard deviation, T-Test, ANOVA, Person correlation and hierarchical regressions were also applied in order to give the discussion. The findings of this research carried out through the questionnaire as below: 1.The overall performance of elderly was not too bad in interpersonal relations scale and well-being scale 2.Interpersonal relations of elderly: 1)Female elderly scored higher than male elderly on number of close friends, the frequency of staying in touch with friends, and also friendship support significantly. 2)There is a significant difference and relevance of interpersonal relations on “ educational background”, “satisfaction of financial situation”, “health condition”, and “Taiwanese consciousness”. 3)Among the four aspects of interpersonal relations, such as “ number of close friends”, “ interaction frequency with friends”, “the closeness of friends”, and “friendship support”, showed positive relevance. 3.Well-being of elderly: 1)The variants of Socio-demographic significantly related to “age”, “educational background”, “satisfaction of financial situation”, and “ health condition”. 2)The aspects of interpersonal relations, such as “number of close friends”, “interaction frequency with friends” (including: frequency of interaction and interactivities), “the closeness of friends”, and “friendship support’, are all showed positive relevance. 4.The result of well-being hierarchical regressions, which carried out through different background variants and interpersonal relations showed, the predictability of ‘ satisfaction of financial condition” was the best in the variant of socio-demographic,. It explained the variance of well-being. Furthermore, “friendship support” predictability explained the variance of well-being in interpersonal relations. According to the conclusion of this study and the literature reviews, there are several suggestions are provided to elderly: 1. Suggestions to elderly: 1) Focus on the needs of physical health, enhance self-care consciousness 2) Being optimistic, and well arranged your daily activities 3) Financial independence from children, and enrich personal financial management 4) Join different learning courses 2. Suggestions to social welfare agencies 1) Strengthen the function community- based social service 2) Enhance elderly financial security, providing diversified welfare. 3) Promoting elder diversified learning courses高齡者人際關係幸福感elderlyinterpersonal relationswell-being台北縣三鶯區高齡者人際關係與幸福感關聯之研究