莊聲Zhuang, Sheng2019-08-122019-08-122018-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83886清朝自康熙朝以來為了防災減災,建立了比較完善的雨雪糧價及農業收成奏報制度。通過乾隆十五年(1750)吉林烏拉地區的受災情況,可以知道地方政府為處理災情,有一套非常完善的救災方案:首先遏制物價的攀升,以確保災民的基本生活條件,並根據受災程度,對災戶和田地進行等級劃分,再行相應的救援措施。這些措施為保證災區的社會穩定和災民的正常生活,以及災區的重建和恢復生產發揮重要作用。以緩解危機所建立的糧食儲備制度,更是清朝初期盛世根本的原因所在。During the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (1654-1722), a sophisticated system of reporting rainfall levels and grain harvests was put in place, enabling the Qing government to provide timely relief when natural disasters occurred. Just how effective this system actually was can be seen by studying the response of the regional government to a natural disaster that struck the Girin Ula area (in modern-day Jilin province) in 1750. First, price increases were strictly forbidden by the government, to make sure that victims of the disaster would be able to maintain their basic livelihood. In addition, the lands of those affected were carefully assessed and classified, so that appropriate levels of assistance could be given. These and other measures played an important role in ensuring social stability in the disaster-stricken areas, and facilitated the subsequent process of recovery. It can be seen that the grain reserve system, put in place for dealing with crises, was one of the main reasons for the emergence of a golden era during the early period of the Qing dynasty.乾隆滿文災害吉林寧古塔QianlongManchu scriptsdisasterGirin UlaNingguta吉林烏拉地區異常氣候與災後重建 —以乾隆十六年寧古塔將軍 滿文文書為中心Climate Anomalies and Disaster Reconstruction in the Girin Ula Area: Examining the 1750 Report of the General of Ningguta