周儒Ju Chou陳仕泓Chen Shih Hung2019-09-052005-2-222019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000050%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103781本研究研究宗旨為對評鑑關渡自然中心現有提供給國小學生的環境教育方案其執行的現況以及執行後的成果,並提供資訊作為改善方案的執行與運作以及日後發展環境教育方案的參考。本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集參與方案的學生以及陪同的教師及家長之意見,並在詮釋結論時,輔以教學執行人員之會議記錄以及關渡自然中心內部文件資料。研究者針對參與方案的學生問卷部分共回收305份,陪同教師38份,陪同家長51份。其研究中重要之結論如下: 壹、關渡自然中心國小環境教育課程方案執行現況: 一、方案教學人員以非環境教育背景的志工為主,其表現受到參與學生與陪同人員的肯定,可再加強教學方法以及有關溼地生態環境的知識與內涵。 二、課程活動內容能夠傳達自然公園的宗旨,並強調戶外教育的精神,但在兩個小時內無法將所有課程目標與活動進行完。 三、教學環境整體表現受到陪同家長與教師的肯定,但不如教學人員及課程內容所受的肯定,並且加強教學空間隔絕性以及教學課程設備與設施。 四、使用方案的學生以及陪同人員大都為第一次參與自然中心的活動也是第一次來到關渡自然中心 貳、參與關渡自然中心環境教育課程方案的學生課程參與反應與學習成果: 一、大部分的學生能夠在愉快過程中的學習,但無法完全集中精神在課程活動上且沒有將所學紀錄下來 二、大部分學生能夠在基本溼地知識、正向的態度以及學習印象能有不錯的學習成果。 參、參與關渡自然中心環境教育課程方案的學生、隨行教師與家長,後續參與意願以及相關意見: 一、使用方案的學生以及陪同人員對所參與的課程活動表達出高度滿意程度。 二、陪同教師對教學活動的預期目標高於目標達成滿意程度。 三、使用方案的學生以及陪同人員繼續參與關渡自然中心相關活動方案的意願相當高。 本研究並依照上述結論:針對該課程方案執行、方案的未來發展、後續研究提出各項建議。The purpose of this study is to understand the current condition, evaluate the outcomes of environmental education programs implemented to elementary school students at the Guandu Nature Park, and offer the outcome for the program implementation and improvement. The data was collected in multiple ways, including designed questionnaires for gathering the thoughts of students, teachers, and parents those who participated in the environmental education program, and record and document analysis from the faculty meetings and the Park administration. There were 305 questionnaires responded from students, 38 questionnaires responded from teachers, and 51 questionnaires responded from parents. The important results of this study are in the following: (1)The condition of implementation of elementary school environmental education programs in the Guandu Nature Park is in the following: 1. The environmental education programs mostly implemented by volunteers without environmental education professional background. Most participants agreed they had good performance, but their knowledge of wetland and teaching skill should be strengthened. 2. The programs can present both the agenda of the Guandu Nature Park and the essence of outdoor education. Nevertheless, the programs are hardly accomplished in two hours. 3. Teacher and parents attending the programs were satisfied with the performance of program faculties and the contents of programs, but their satisfaction with facilities was not as good as them. The park administration should improve isolation of teaching environment and other facilities relating to programs implementation. 4. Most students, teachers and parents attending the programs are the first time participants, and it is also their fist time to enter the Guandu Nature Park. (2)The response and learning outcome of students who participated the elementary school environmental education programs in the Guandu Nature Park are in the following: 1. Most Students enjoyed their learning, but it is hard for them to concentrate on the program so that they didn’t take any note down. 2. Most Students had good outcomes of basic wetland knowledge, positive attitudes, and deep impressions of study. (3)The willing of continued participation and suggestion of the students, teachers and parents attending the program are in the following: 1. Program participants showed high degree of satisfaction to the programs. 2. Teacher participants presented higher level of expectation to the programs than the degree that the program has accomplished. 3. Participants showed high level of willingness to get involved in continuing programs in the Guandu Nature Park. Finally, implementation of education programs, future development of the programs, and following research were also proposed.戶外教育自然中心課程方案方案評鑑outdoor educationnature centerprogramprogram evaluation.關渡自然中心執行國小環境教育課程方案之評鑑The evaluation of environmental education programs implemented to elementary school students at the Guandu Nature Park,