王麗斐Wang, Li-Fei林玉平Lin, Yu-Ping2019-08-282020-07-222019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060101065E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90535  本研究旨在了解國小六年級ADHD兒童參與雙元情緒管理團體之成效。研究透過兒童自評與家長及導師他評資料,探討該情緒管理團體對提升ADHD兒童在情緒管理和生活適應之介入成效及保留成效。所謂「雙元情緒管理」小團體係指以王麗斐(2010)「雙元情緒調節(Dual Emotion Regulation)」假說所發展之結構性小團體輔導方案,依生態觀點之「雙師合作」模式進行的團體輔導。   研究參與者為9名ADHD兒童及其家長與導師,由3名專任輔導老師帶領每週一次40分鐘之情緒管理團體,共10次。本研究採單一受試研究法,進行基線期、介入期和追蹤期之施測,兒童、家長及導師於參與團體前進行3次基線期之施測,團體期間進行3次介入期之施測,團體介入結束後進行3次追蹤期之施測,每次施測間隔為三週,兒童填寫「兒童雙元情緒團體目標量表」、「兒童雙元情緒管理量表」及「學生適應量表」,家長及導師填寫「兒童雙元情緒團體目標量表」及「學生適應量表」,並於團體結束後進行訪談,了解兒童參與情緒管理團體之經驗。   研究結果發現,部分ADHD兒童自評情緒管理團體對情緒管理及生活適應具介入成效,而半數家長及導師他評情緒管理團體對ADHD兒童情緒管理具介入成效,部分家長及導師則是認為情緒管理團體對生活適應具介入成效,且團體結束後,成效能夠持續維持,上述皆具有保留成效。   最後,研究者根據本研究之結果進行討論,並提出建議供輔導實務、家長、導師及未來研究參考。  The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of emotional management group for sixth-grade children with ADHD. Parents and teachers also participated in the study. Through the evaluation of parents, teachers and children themselves, researchers explored the intervention effect and retain effect about how emotional management group can improve the emotional management as well as life adjustment.   Participants were 9 pairs of ADHD children, their parents and teachers. The emotional management group, led by 3 guidance teachers , sustaining 40 minutes for ten weeks, once a week. Single-subject study was adopted. This study had three phases, including the baseline phase, intervention phase and follow-up phase. Before treatment, all participants filled the scales for each phase, including before, during and after the group. All participants filled the scales once every three weeks. Children filled the “Child Dual Emotional Management Group Goal Scale”, “Child Dual Emotional Management Scale” and “Student Adjustment Scale” .Parents and teachers filled the “Child Dual Emotional Management Group Goal Scale” and “Student Adjustment Scale”. To understand children’s experience after participating in emotional management group, the participants were interviewed individually.   The results showed that parts of ADHD children reported that the emotional management group had intervention effects on their emotional management and life adjustment. Some of the parents and teachers reported that the group had intervention effect on children’s emotional management, parts of them report had intervention effect on life adjustment, and the effect can also be maintained.   Finally, researcher discusses the results, and provides some suggestions for practice of guidance, parents, teachers and the future studies.ADHD兒童情緒調節生活適應雙元情緒管理團體ADHD childemotional regulationdual emotional management grouplife adjustment國小六年級ADHD兒童之情緒管理小團體介入探索研究An Exploratory Study on Emotional Management Group on Sixth-Grade Children with ADHD