吳亭芳Wu, Ting-Fang高彥婷Kao, Yen-Ting2023-12-082022-09-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/322fb98d94d739abb758e16f9969206b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119397本研究使用質性研究,探討年輕型失智症重返職場之歷程,研究中採訪了三位罹患年輕型失智症、接受職務再設計、目前仍在原職場或新職場就業的個案以及三位個案之家屬。三位個案分別為兩位男性,一位女性,個案家屬除為日常照顧者外,其中兩位也是個案在職場的同事。本研究採用個別訪談法,先以敘事訪談的方向與研究參與者進行訪談,再加以個案的職業輔導評量報告、職務再設計等報告資料,加以分析研究結果並進行討論。研究結果顯示,年輕型失智症個案在罹病後其能力與特質會產生變化,包含認知能力改變、溝通社交表達困難、情緒起伏變動等,進而影響其工作能力與效率。研究參與者透過職業重建服務,對個案進行工作內容調整及職務再設計,並在家人支持與陪伴下重返職場。另就研究結果,本研究對於研究過程中的限制,亦分別提出相關的建議。關鍵字:年輕型失智症、重返職場、職業重建This study used qualitative research to explore the journey of returning to the workplace for persons with young onset dementia. Three persons with young onset dementia as well as their family participated in this study. Among the three family members, two of them are not only daily caregivers of the clients with dementia, but also their colleagues in the workplace.In this study, the individual interview was used to collect data and narrative analysis was used to analyze the data. In addition, the reports of vocational assessments and job accomondations of participants were also included as supplements.The results indicated that the abilities and traits of persons with young onset dementia changed after the disease. Their changes includ cognitive decline, communication and social difficulties, and emotional distress. The deterioration of these abilities has severely impacted their job performance. However, through the procces of vocational rehabilitrion, including job analysis and job accomondations, three participation retured to the workplace with the support of their family.Finally, this study provides relevant recommendations and future research based on the results of the study.Keywords: young onset dementia, return to work, vocational rehabilitation年輕型失智症重返職場職業重建young onset dementiareturn to workvocational rehabilitation年輕型失智症重返職場之歷程The Process of Return to Work for the Persons with Young Onset Dementiaetd