黃純敏CHUEN-MIN HUANG沈敬嵐CHING-LAN SHEN2019-08-282014-7-212019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597002119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89945本研究旨在以多元文化教育的思維探討國民中學的校園軟硬體環境,與學校教師、職工、學生、家長與社區人士的訪談、文件等資料,分析社區國中校園環境軟硬體在性別及特殊例外性議題的符合程度,藉由上述的瞭解,促進校園軟硬體環境的改善。本研究係採用質性研究法,運用廿二名國中學生(女學生九名、男學生八名,特殊例外性學生五名)的焦點訪談與八位教職員工、家長、社區人士的深度訪談資料進行分析,探討校園軟硬體環境符合多元文化的狀況。以下將依據研究結果,說明獲致的結論。 首先,在校園場館設施、空間規劃及使用規定兼顧性別需求,運動設施空間、圖書館等場館應依性別需求適度規劃其軟硬體內涵,教師偶有讓學生感到不適的刻板印象發生,故應結合多元文化教育題材之性別議題在教學活動中。無障礙設施硬體未能依使用者角度考量,故亦有改善空間,同理心滿足特殊例外性學生的學習需求,教師與同儕奧援是必要元素。 其次,校園環境符合性別議題的程度,教師無論在幹部指派及分配任務都會受性別刻板印象影響,且學生性別刻板印象亦受老師班級經營影響;營造性別平等校園環境可有不同作法,如事務分工及班際競賽都為可採取的方式:女廁在數量及面積上應予改善,且要考量學生實際需求,而學生可從參與空間美化布置來促進性別平等。 最後,校園環境符合特殊例外性議題的程度,需要主動協助滿足特殊例外性同學的需求,且可將特殊例外性議題融入教學;多元課程對特殊例外性學生的學習效果實可以有效提升,在特殊例外性學生學習過程需主動予以關懷;最後需積極主動關懷特殊例外性學生,亦可針對特殊例外性學生需求予以全方位關懷。 綜合本研究發現,研究者提出對性別議題及特殊例外性議題校園軟硬體環境相關之建議,期望多元文化教育理念,能在國中校園具體實踐。The study aimed at understanding the hardware and software environment in junior high school from perspectives of multicultural education. Interviews of teachers, staff, students, parents and community members were conducted and analyzed to capture the degree of hardware and software environment behind special exceptions and gender issues. And hopefully the hardware and software environment would be enhanced through understanding the said phenomenon. Qualitative research was adopted in this study to analyze data collected from focus interviews from 9 female students, 8 male students , and 5 students inspecial exception and in-depth interviews from 8 teachers, staff, parents and community members Conclusions were as following: 1).Campus facilities,planning and use of the provisions of both gender needs, space and sports facilities, libraries should be modest by gender needs to plan ihardware and software content, teachers sometimes allow students to feel uncomfortable stereotype occur, should be combined with multiculturalism education theme of gender issues in the teaching activities. Tthere is room for improvement, empathy meet the special needs exception of students, teachers and peers Austrian aid is a necessary element. 2) The environment in line with the degree of gender issues, both in the cadres of teachers assigned and assign tasks will be affected by gender stereotypes and gender stereotypes student teacher classroom management is also subject to the impact; create a campus environment of gender equality may have different practices, such as the division of labor affairs and classes interpersonal competition are ways that can be taken: female toilet in the number and size should be improved. 3) To help meet the needs of the special exception of students, and can be a special exception issues from teaching; diverse curriculum learning outcomes of students for special exceptions can effectively improve the real, the special exception of learning process must be proactive care; finally need to actively care for a special exception of students, will also be a special exception for the care needs of the students. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions were made to the hardware and software environment in junior high school from perspectives of multicultural education多元文化教育性別校園環境特殊例外性新北市multicultural educationgendercampus environmentexceptionalityNew Taipei City國民中學營造多元文化教育的校園環境研究:以新北市一所國中為例A Study on the Construction of the Mulicultural Education on Campus Environamnt in a Junior High School – A Case Study of a Junior High School in New Taipei City