朱文增Wen-Tseng Chu曾建銘Chien-Ming Tseng2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0091132008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107407本研究旨在探討顧客對於旅遊地點服務品質的滿意度是否會影響其重遊意願。研究對象為布魯樂谷主題親水樂園的遊客,透過本研究得以了解,顧客對於主題樂園園區內各項設施的品質、工作人員的服務態度與消費價格等因素的服務品質若未能達到預期的滿意度,重遊該主題樂園的意願極可能隨之降低,進而影響主題樂園之營運績效。 本研究採隨機抽樣法,透過問卷調查對前往布魯樂谷主題親水樂園的顧客進行訪談,有效樣本數共592份。調查所得之統計數據,以描述性統計分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析、回歸分析來探討遊客之滿意度。綜合本研究探討水上樂園顧客對園區各項滿意度之調查結果,可歸納下列兩點結論。 一、布魯樂谷主題親水樂園之顧客,主要以10~19 歲之學生族群居多;遊客之教育程度以高中職學生最多、專科與大學生次之、兩者佔了62%;居住地區以高雄縣市為大多數;有28%來了三次以上,但也有將近五成是首次到布魯樂谷遊玩;85%以上都是結伴而來;顧客到訪的資訊來源主要以媒體廣告居多、特別是電視廣告。 二、在顧客滿意度方面,發現顧客對於布魯樂谷主題親水樂園的遊樂設施、內部服務人員、活動與環境部分所提供的服務具有最佳的評價,但是對於餐飲價格多數遊客表示價格較不合理;有37%的顧客覺得花費值得、並有超過五成的遊客會推薦給親友並有重遊意願。The purpose of this research was to clarify whether the satisfaction of visitors on the service quality of tourist attractions would influence their desire to revisit. Blue Lagoon Water Park (BLWP), located in Kaohsiung City, was selected as the object. We had found the decrease of visitors’ re-visit, possibly resulted from dissatisfaction of park facilities, service quality, or perceived value (cost vs. benefit) from the experience, would eventually jeopardize the operational and financial performance of the tourist attractions. By random-sampling, 592 questionnaires with visitors of BLWP were conducted. The interview results were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-Square test, crosstable, and analysis of variances. Two conclusions arised as follows: First, most of the visitors came from Kaohsiung County and 62% of them were senior high school and college students aged from 10 to 19. While 28% of the visitors had come to BLWP more than three times. 50% were only first-time visitors. 85% of the visitors came with mates. Besides, most visitors were aware of information about BLWP from mass media, especially TV commercials. Secondly, visitors generally had higher remarks on park facilities, service quality, and landscape gardening; however, they also indicated price of F&B merchandises was too high and unacceptable. Finally, 37% of the visitors said BLWP was a place worth visiting and above half plans to revisit in the future and was willing to introduce BLWP to their friends.主題樂園服務品質滿意度重遊意願theme parkservice qualitysatisfactionvisiting again布魯樂谷主題親水樂園顧客滿意度之研究An Empirical Study of Customer Satisfaction for The Blue Lagoon Water Park