卓俊辰Jiunn-Chern Jwo許秀鳳Hsiu-Feng Shiu2019-09-052005-6-202019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000169%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106063摘要 本研究旨在瞭解中和地區國中肥胖及非肥胖學生身體活動量之現 況,並針對個人背景因素、運動自我效能、運動社會支持與身體活動量 之間的關係加以探討。以台北縣中和地區公立國中體重正常及肥胖的學 生為母群體,採立意取樣方式抽出調查樣本。研究工具為一份結構式問 卷,得有效樣本844 人,所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、獨立 樣本單因子變異數分析、薛費氏事後比較及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法 處理分析。結果發現: 一、研究對象的運動自我效能偏低,且肥胖及非肥胖男生(38.12、 41.08)運動自我效能高於女生(34.33、35.27)、非肥胖組(38.32)高於肥 胖組(36.41)。 二、研究對象的運動社會支持屬中等程度的支持,同儕是肥胖 (32.83)及非肥胖學生(39.12)最主要的運動社會支持來源,其次是家人 的支持。 三、身體活動量方面,以非肥胖男學生(7.65)最佳,肥胖男學生 (5.33)次之、非肥胖女學生(3.50)排列第三,而肥胖女學生(3.17)其身體活動量最差。非肥胖學生(5.67)的身體活動量大於肥胖學生(5.28)。 四、不同年級的非肥胖學生在運動社會支持方面有顯著差異,其中 一年級(106.30)大於二(94.38)、三年級(94.15)。肥胖學生則無明顯差 異。 五、運動自我效能、運動社會支持與身體活動量在肥胖與非肥胖學 生都呈正相關,達顯著水準。 本研究結果顯示,同儕、家人、教師三者對肥胖學生從事身體活動 有重大影響力,運動社會支持愈多,從事身體活動的比率也愈高,在鼓 勵肥胖學生身體活動上具有參考價值。This study aims to understand the present condition of the total amount of physical activity of obese and non-obese junior high school students in the Chungho area and to discuss how the total amount of physical activity is related to the factors of personal backgrounds, exercise self-efficacy, and exercise social support. The obese students as well as the students of normal weights in the public junior high schools of the Chungho area were adopted as the population, and samples of the investigation were takenby purposeful sampling. The study tool is a copy of structuralized questionnaire, and 844 valid samples were acquired. The acquired data were processed and analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-testing of independent samples, one-way ANOVA of independent samples, Scheffe’s Posterior Comparison, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. And the result is as follows. 1. The self-efficacy of the study objects tends to be low, and both the figures of obese and non-obese boys’ self-efficacy (38.12, 41.08) are higher than those of girls'(34.33, 35.27); non-obese group has higher self-efficacy (38.32) than obese group (36.41). 2. The exercise social support of the study objects is middle level of support. Classmates are the main exercise social support of both obese (32.83) and non-obese (39.12) students, and their second support is family. 3. As to the total amount of physical activity, the non-obese boy students (7.65) show the best result; the obese boy students (5.33) rank second, and the non-obese girl students (3.50) rank third; obese girl students (3.17) have the least amount of physical activity. Non-obese students (5.67) have greater amount of physical activity than obese students (5.28). 4. Different grades of non-obese junior high school students show significant differences in terms of exercise social support. First graders (106.30) have greater exercise social support than second (94.38) and third (94.15) graders. Obese students do not show significant differences in terms of exercise social support among different grades. 5. Exercise self-efficacy, exercise social support, and total amount of physical activity all positively correlate to obese and non-obese students, reaching the level of significance. The result of this study reveals that classmates, family, and teachers have a great influence on obese students’ engaging in physical activity; those who have more exercise social support present higher rates of engaging in physical activity. This has referential value in terms of encouraging obese students to take physical exercise.肥胖身體活動運動社會支持運動自我效能obesityphysical activityexercise social supportexercise self-efficacy中和地區國中肥胖與非肥胖學生身體活動量及其相關因素之研究A Study on the Total Amount of Physical Activity of Obese and Non-Obese Junior HighSchool Students in the Chungho Area and its Related Factors