陳明溥Ming-Puu Chen戴谷州Ku-Chou Tai2019-08-292016-1-262019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097083108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92821藉由資訊處理理論所衍生之的雙碼理論學習概念,本研究探討學習程式語言時使用視覺化工具,並透過教學者利用妥善設計的教學活動來進行程式語言教學,對於學習者學習成效與學習態度之影響。期望透過教學者適切地將視覺化工具融入程式設計教學活動中,以培養學習者有效運用視覺化工具增加程式語言學習成效,同時提升學習者之正向學習態度。 本研究旨在探討不同先備知識學習者使用視覺化工具對程式語言學習成效與學習態度之影響。研究工具以視覺化工具Jeliot 3融入Java程式語言教學進行教學,目的在探討視覺化工具融入程式語言教學,對學習者學習成效與學習態度之影響。研究對象為資管系一年級學生,年齡分布於 16~20 歲之間,有效樣本總共 79 人,實驗教學活動為期三週,學習單元是for迴圈,共計 390 分鐘。學習成效是探討學習者之學習的表現情形,分為「整體概念」、「基本概念」與「進階概念」三個面向;學習態度主要探討學習者在實驗教學活動之後在「學習滿意度」、「學習幫助度」、「自我效能」、「學習焦慮」以及「主動學習與思考」等面向之看法與感受。 研究結果發現:(1)高先備知識程度之學習者其程式語言for迴圈之學習成效比低先備知識程度者顯著來的好;(2)使用Jeliot 3之學習者在程式語言for迴圈的學習成效表現進步幅度較未使用Jeliot 3者大;(3)低先備知識程度之學習者在程式語言for迴圈的學習成效表現進步幅度較高先備知識程度者大;(4)使用Jeliot 3之高先備知識之學習者,其學習焦慮程度比其他學習者來的低;(5)使用Jeliot 3能協助學習者在程式語言for迴圈的學習滿意度、學習幫助度和主動學習與思考產生正向之學習態度表現。According to dual-code theory derived from the information processing theory, this study discussed the learners’ learning performance and learning attitudes when the teacher leverages the visualization tool and well-designed learning activities in programming language course. The researcher expected that integrating the visualiztion tool into programming language course may train the learners to use the visualiztion tool for learning effectively, promote learners’ learning performance and attitudes toward learning. The purpose of this study was to dicuss the effects of learning programming language and learners’ learning attitudes by using the visualization tool based on different levels of learner’s prior knowledge. This study used a visualization tool, Jeliot 3, to assist Java programming language training. There were 79 freashmen in Department of Information Management, whose ages ranged from 16 to 20 years old, and participated in the 3 weeks, a total of 390 minutes ‘for loop’ programming learning section. The analysis for learners' learning performance included overall conceptions, basic conceptions and advanced conceptions, whereas the analysis for learners' learning attitudes included five aspects, which were learning satisfaction, learning support, self efficiency, learning anxiety and active learning and thinking. The results revealed that (a) learners with high prior knowledge performed significantly better than those with low prior knowledge; (b) the learning performance of the learners using Jeliot 3 made much more progress in ‘for loop’ programming section; (c) the learning performance of the learners with low prior knowledge made much more progress in ‘for loop’ programming section; (d) learners using Jeliot 3 with high prior knowledge had more positive attitude in aspect of learning anxiety, which meant their learning anxiety is lower than the other learners; (e) the application of Jeliot 3 promoted learners’ attitudes of learning satisfaction, learning support, active learning and thinking on programming language learning.程式語言教學先備知識視覺化工具Jeliot學習成效學習態度programming language learningprior knowledgevisualization toolJeliotlearning performancelearning attitudes視覺化工具融入程式語言教學對初學者學習成效與學習態度之探討Integrating the Visualization Tool into Programming Language Course and Prior Knowledge on Novices' Learning Performance and Learning Attitudes