湯仁燕蕭朝昌2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599002222%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89997本研究旨在瞭解國民中學數學科個案教師差異化教學策略實施情形及實施困境,並分析國民中學數學科個案教師實施差異化教學之影響因素等。基於研究主題的特性及研究目的,決定採用個案研究方法,並以觀察、訪談及文件分析為資料蒐集的策略,以達到研究目的。 根據上述之研究動機,本研究主要研究目的有四: 壹、瞭解國民中學數學科個案教師差異化教學策略實施情形。 貳、探討國民中學數學科個案教師差異化教學之實施困境。 參、分析國民中學數學科個案教師實施差異化教學之影響因素。 肆、提出具體建議,作為未來教育行政機關、各國民中學與教師實施差異化教學之參考。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、國民中學數學科個案教師差異化教學策略實施情形 一、利用學生資料及測驗認識與掌握學生個別差異 二、配合學生程度的差異使用補充教材提供學生差異化的需求 三、利用問題引導學生學習並提問適當問題及分級教學 四、以小組合作分組討論方式達成差異化教學目的 五、利用教具教學以適應不同學習風格之學生 六、利用隨堂練習上台解題個別指導需要的學生 七、利用學生興趣題材刺激學生思考 八、利用一題多解之教學策略引導學生學習 九、利用作業分級來評量 十、利用學生分級測驗達成差異化評量 十一、利用訂正及補考、補救教學達到差異化教學的目的 貳、國民中學數學科個案教師差異化教學之實施困境 一、智力測驗失真及學生資本資料不完整以致無法準確判斷學生真正差異化程度 二、學生學習配合度及外在環境干擾影響判斷學生真正差異化的程度 三、學生程度落差大使得無法每單元都可以在教學內容上做差異化教學 四、教學進度使得無法每節在教學內容上做差異化教學 五、會考壓力使得無法每單元都可以在教學內容上做差異化教學 六、無法同時照顧到所有程度的學生他們會互相等待 七、利用下課時間無法落實補救教學 八、一個教學策略無法同時間適用不同學習風格的學生 九、無法做到作業及考試確實分級 十、第八節能力分組教學很多學生無法參加 十一、題目難易度無法適時配合ABC三級學生能力 十二、評量分三級出考題時間不夠 參、國民中學數學科個案教師實施差異化教學之影響因素 一、學生數學程度呈現嚴重的雙峰現象 二、學生的回饋影響教師繼續做下去的動力 三、同儕教師之間的互動影響教師差異化教學的信心 四、時間不足的因素影響教師持續差異化教學 五、教師額外工作太多影響差異化教學的時間 六、家庭因素影響學生差異化教學的動力 七、學生挫折感太重影響差異化教學的意願 八、依學生需求研發適性教材來推動差異化教學 九、第八節能力分班以推動差異化教學 十、行政推動差異化教學研習 十一、舉行學習共同體教學演示以推動差異化教學 十二、學校提供數學科專科教室以實施差異化教學 根據上述之研究結果,提出下列建議,作為未來教育行政機關、各國民中學與教師實施差異化教學之參考。 一、將國民中學課程內容精簡轉化 二、將後百分之五低成就學生適當處置The study aims to comprehend the implementation of differentiated instruction strategies by the case junior high school mathematics teachers and the difficulties encountered, in addition to analyzing the influence factors in the implementation of differentiated instruction by case junior high school mathematics teachers. The study adopts case study method based on the characteristics of research theme and the research purpose, using observation, interview and document analysis for data collection in order to accomplish the research purpose. The research purpose is divided into four categories according to the aforementioned research motives: I. To understand the implementation of differentiated instruction strategy by case junior high school mathematics teachers. II. To discuss the implementation of differentiated instruction strategy by case junior high school mathematics teachers. III. To analyze the influence factors for case junior high school mathematics teachers implementing differentiated instruction. IV. Propose specific suggestions as reference for future educational administrative agencies, and junior high school and teachers implementing differentiated instruction. The study draws the following conclusion: I. Implementation of junior differentiated instruction by high school mathematics teachers. 1. Acquaint and control individual student difference using student data and tests. 2. Use supplementary teaching materials according to differentiated student level to meet the demand for student differentiation. 3. Guide student learning with questions and bring forward proper questions and classified teaching. 4. Achieve differentiated instruction through group discussions. 5. Adapt to students with different learning styles using teaching material based instruction. 6. Solve questions on the blackboard and instruct individual student with need using quizzes and practices. 7. Stimulate student thinking using the materials that interest the students. 8. Instruct student learning based on the instruction strategy of multiple solutions for one question. 9. Evaluate students using assignment grading. 10. Conduct differentiated evaluation using student test grading. 11. Accomplish differentiated instruction using correction, makeup tests and remedial instruction. II. Difficulties for case junior high school mathematics teachers implementing differentiated instruction 1. Distortion of intelligence tests and incompletion of student data lead to incapability to determine the true level of student differentiation. 2. Student learning cooperation and external environmental interference will affect the level of true student differentiation. 3. Big gap in student level prevents all units to implement differentiated instruction in teaching content. 4. Instruction progress prevents differentiated instruction for each class of instruction content. 5. The stress from general examination prevents differentiated instruction for each unit of teaching content. 6. Inability to take care of students of different levels and they will wait for each other. 7. Remedial instruction could not be implemented after class. 8. One instruction strategy could not apply to students of different learning styles at the same time. 9. Assignment and tests could not achieve true grading. 10. Many students could not attend the proficiency grouped instruction at the 8th class. 11. The level of question could not properly cooperate with the three levels of student capacity in A, B and C. 12. Not sufficient time to prepare tests for evaluating the three levels. III. The affecting factors of the case teachers implementing differentiated instruction. 1. The effects of math learning of the students are polarized. 2. The feedback of the students may influence the motivation of the teacher in implementing differentiated instruction. 3. The peer onion may affect the confidence of the teacher implementing differentiated instruction. 4. Not enough time for implementing differentiated instruction may affects the motivation of the teacher. 5. The extra work load of the teacher may occupy the time for differentiated instruction. 6. The family factors may influence the motivation of students in receiving differentiated instruction. 7. The students may feel frustrated and the motivation of receiving differentiated instruction may be reduced. 8. The promotion of differentiated instruction shall be based on the development of individualized teaching material. 9. Launch proficiency class for the 8th class to promote differentiated instruction. 10. Promote study on differentiated instruction through administration. 11. Comply with joint learning instruction demonstration to promote differentiated instruction. 12. The schools provide mathematics subject classroom to implement differentiated instruction. Base on the conclusions, the following suggestions are listed as reference for future educational administrative agencies, and junior high school and teachers implementing differentiated instruction. 1. To simplify the content for junior high school curriculum. 2. Provide proper disposal for students with low achievement from the last five percentile.差異化教學個案研究Teaching Strategies For Differentiated InstructionCase Study國民中學數學科教師差異化教學策略之個案研究Case Study on Junior High School Mathematics Teacher’s Teaching Strategies For Differentiated Instruction