周賢彬Zhou Xian-Bin翁誼光Weng Yi-Guang2019-09-052007-6-202019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694630017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103384近年來,3D電腦動畫以驚人速度發展,藉由商業力量的推波助瀾,各式各樣的電腦動畫不斷推陳出新,創造出許多表現形式。隨著3D動畫的製作人口的增加,更加活絡了整個產業鏈,使得目前3D動畫技術已普遍存在大眾的日常生活中。2006年以來,好萊塢所推出的動畫電影高達八部,而且全由3D動畫製作而成,各大動畫影展如SIGGRAPH、安錫動畫影展、渥太華國際動畫影展…中,3D電腦動畫的參賽作品在質與量上也大幅增加,逐漸蔚為主流。不論商業或非商業的環境下,動畫創作者都應正視3D技術在動畫創作領域的衝擊。 本研究基於此背景,試圖就已知的3D電腦動畫分析現有角色表現形式,探討構成3D角色的要素及影響其表現形式的原因。除作為未來3D電腦動畫創作者的參考藍本外,並將分析所得用以輔助個人創作及思考其他表現形式可能性的依循。再以全球電腦圖學會議領袖的SIGGRAPH大會電子劇院入選動畫為案例,歸納分析3D角色的設計及影響角色動畫美學的因素,企圖建立3D角色動畫的美學基礎及未來3D角色之發展方向。其要點如下: (一)優秀的故事是動畫吸引觀眾的原因,缺乏內容的作品等於無生命的軀殼。 (二)平面藝術可做為新表現形式研發的養分。在發展新風格之餘同時保留3D動畫的特色是未來發展趨勢。 (三)為了使角色表演更加風格化及個性化,使用關鍵畫格設置調節的方式較動態補捉技術理想。 (四)創造性的特殊運鏡方式有助於增強角色動畫對於觀眾視覺意象的影響力。 (五)對於個人創作部分,筆者認為應擺脫文化限制,尋找融合科技與藝術,跨文化的表現風格。In recent years, the 3D computer animation is developed with astonishing speed, pushing wave to help by the business strength, various computer animations weed through the old to bring forth the new continuously. Whole industry chain more along with the producer increment of the 3D animation, make currently the 3D animation technique already widespread exist the daily life. Since 2006, the animation movie announced by Hollywood is up to 8 movies, and whole is manufactured by the 3D animation and become, in each animation film festival, such as SIGGRAPH, Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Ottwa International Animation Festival... the 3D computer animation takes part in a game a work to also increase significantly in quality and quantity top, becoming main current gradually. In spite of business or not- commercial environment next, animation creators all should face a 3D's technique to create the impact of realm in the animation. This research according to this background, try to use already known of the 3D analytical existing role manifestation of the computer animation, the study constitutes a 3D the main factor of the role and influences the reason of its manifestation. In addition to being the 3D computer animation creator will make reference to in the future blue print, and gain analysis to lend support to personal creations and consider the basis with other manifestation possibilities in order to. Again with the electronics theater of the SIGGRAPH conference of global computer diagram academic association argument leader select an animation for case, induce to analyze a 3D a role of design and influence role animation the factor of the esthetics, attempt to build up the esthetics foundation of the 3D role animation and in the future 3D the development direction of the role. Its important point as follows: (1)The excellent story is the reason that the animation attracts audience, the work which lacks of a content is equal to lifeless. (2)The flat surface art can be used as the nutrient that the new manifestation develops. At develop new style of remaining in the meantime reserve 3D's special features of the animation is a future development trend. (3)For making the role perform more style turn and characteristic, the way used a key's painting's space constitution to regulate compare the motion capture. (4)The special luck mirror method of creation contributes to the influence which strengthens a role animation idea for the audience vision. (5) For personal creations part, the writer thinks and should get away from cultural restriction, looking for fusion science and technology and art, cross-cultural performance style.3D電腦動畫表現形式SIGGRAPH動態補捉技術關鍵畫格3D computer animationcharacter’s formSIGGRAPHmotion capturekey-frame3D電腦動畫角色表現形式研究-以SIGGRAPH入選動畫為例A Study of Character’s Form in 3D Computer Animation - An Example From SIGGRAPH “Electric Theater” Animations