王錦雀Wang, Chin-Chueh謝慧蕙Hsieh, Hui-Hui2019-08-282023-07-172019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503073113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88173本研究起因於研究者於教學過程中,發現國中學生身體意象普遍負向,甚至因而衍伸行為問題,包括對他人體型取綽號、減少食量等,除此之外,在了解網路媒體影響學生身體意象之形塑後,更深感媒體素養教育實施的重要性與迫切性,研究者相信藉由媒體素養教育的施作能幫助學生建立正向之身體意象,基於前述動機之引領,研究者決定朝此一議題進行深入研究並設計教學單元活動。 本研究採用行動研究之方法,期望藉由教學單元活動的規劃,覺察並反思網路媒體所呈現之身體意象,讓學生檢視網路媒體對個人身體意象的影響程度,並設計出適合於國中階段實施的「知覺身體意象教學單元─以網路媒體中的素材為例」。為達前述目的,本研究以二十九名國中八年級學生為教學單元活動之實施對象,共進行十節「知覺身體意象教學單元─以網路媒體中的素材為例」教學活動。而教學單元主要分為單元一「改變」、單元二「表特爭霸戰」、單元三「網美?亡美?」以及單元四「打破網美的秘密」。期望以一系列的教學單元,讓學生察覺網路媒體刻劃之身體意象,了解個人身體意象如何受到影響,並反思媒體形構之媒體真實與社會真實間的落差,進而引導學生檢視媒體內容,培養學生對媒體文本的覺察能力,並導正偏誤之身體意象,尊重他人身體,亦欣賞自我之獨特性。另外,行動研究之歷程亦能使研究者從做中學,不斷修正個人教學,達成專業成長。 本研究之研究工具以教學日誌、課堂觀察記錄、教師教學省思札記、研究同儕與觀課教師之回饋、學生的非正式訪談紀錄、課程學習單、學生回饋單等質性資料為主,而分析這些資料將對未來繼續實施相關教學單元有相當助益。 教學活動結束之後,研究者除了設計一系列可實作的「知覺身體意象─以網路媒體中的素材為例」教學單元活動以外,亦對上述研究資料進行分析,而得到以下結論: 一、本行動研究採用動態之教學設計歷程並實施多元化之教學策略,已發展出一組教學單元活動。 二、藉由實施「知覺身體意象教學單元─以網路媒體中的素材為例」教學活動,培養學生判讀媒體訊息之能力並提升其學習動機。 三、透過行動研究歷程之省思與同儕對話,有助於增進研究者之專業知能。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出研究建議,期望能對日後從事相關研究的教育工作者提供參考方向。This study aimed at exploring the issue of junior high school’s students’ concepts towards the negative body image, and many behavior prloblems were derived from body image, such as surnaming for others and abnormal diet tendency. Be aware of the influence of the internet media on shaping students’ body image, the researcher strongly believe that the internet media has power to guide these students into having correct concepts and attitudes towards body image. With these background knowledge , the researcher decided to explore the issue on course design. This study adopted an action research. The participants were 29 eighth graders instructed by the researcher herself in a public junior high school in Taoyuan City. The researcher design 10 lessons in accordance with four dimensions─body image of the internet media, battle of the beauty, net beauty? or bound up with net beauty?, and see straight though net beauty, to promote the students’ interpretations and reflections on the internet media representation about body image. In addition, the changes of students’ ability to interpret body image in the internet media are investigated after the implementation; and also, the reflection and growth of the instructor. In this research, the researcher utilized videos, classroom observation records, teaching reflective notes, discussions with research peers, students’ worksheets, students’ feedback forms, and interviews to explore the related issues. According to the data collection and analysis, the findings were as follows: 1.This action study used active teaching processes and multiple teaching strategies to develop appropriate teaching units for media literacy. 2.By carring on the teaching units for media literacy, the ability of students’ media literacy was enlightened and their learning motivation also improved. 3.The researcher’s professional knowledge had been promoted through the continuous process of reflections and revisions. Finally, the study provided recommendations for the design and implementation of instructional projects and further research.身體意象媒體素養教育行動研究body imagemedia literacyaction study知覺身體意象教學單元融入國中公民課程─以網路媒體中的素材為例