張建成李昆翰2019-08-282003-8-252019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000347%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90341本質性研究調查探究教師對學生的分類行為,包括隱含其中的深層意義,及老師與學生的互動關係。其主要目的有四:第一,探究教師對學生分類的行為;第二,發掘教師對學生的分類所隱含的意義;第三,發現教師對學生分類與其互動策略的關連;第四,歸納研究結果,提出對未來相關研究的建議。為達上述目的,本研究選擇一個國中班級與該班導師為研究對象,以訪談及觀察為研究方法,並蒐集相關文件資料。就研究結果與討論,歸納以下結論: 一、教師對學生的分類,是基於管教的便利性,而不是求理性、周延的科學分類。進行分類時,特別著重學業和行為表現兩個面向。 二、教師對學生的分類反映其信念與觀點,且與個人經驗及教師任務有密切關連,兼具社會與個人兩種性質。 三、教師的學生分類架構由「順從性」及「可教性」兩個主軸交織而成。學生根據「順從性」可分為「助力型」、「阻力型」、「安分型」三類;依照「可教性」,學生可分為「可教性高」與「可教性低」兩種類型,由此形成六種學生類型。 四、師生互動關係分為三種。教師與「助力型可教性高」和「阻力型可教性高」兩類學生的互動情形,稱為「積極互動模式」;教師與「助力型可教性低」與「阻力型可教性低」兩類學生的互動情形,稱為「消極互動模式」;而教師與「安分型」學生的互動,無論可教性高低,都屬於「隨機互動模式」。 五、教師的學生分類架構,隱含著學生性別與階級的差異。 六、教師的學生分類架構,隱含「班級本位」與「功利主義」的思維。 最後,本研究根據研究過程中所遇到的限制與困難,對未來相關研究提出若干建議。This qualitative study investigated the classification of students into types, including its underlying rationale and its relationship to teacher-student interaction, for a junior high school teacher in Taiwan. The main purpose of the study included: (1) to explore how the teacher classifies students into types; (2) to analyze the implied underlying rationale of the teacher’s classification framework; (3) to investigate the relationship between the teacher’s classification of students and the teacher’s interaction with students; and (4) to make conclusions based on the results and offer some suggestions for future research. This study accomplished these goals through the use of qualitative research methods, including participant observations, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. Based on the collected data and the data analysis, the major findings are as follow: 6. Rather than on reason and careful scientific methodology, the teacher’s classification of students into types is based on convenience of classroom management and teaching, with particular emphasis on two aspects of the students – their schoolwork and their behavior. 2. The teacher’s student-classification framework reflects the beliefs and perspective of the teacher, and the teacher’s individual experience and teaching duties are also closely related to it, making it both personal and social in nature. 3. The teacher’s student-classification framework is built on two major themes – “comformability” and “educability”. Students can be classified with respect to “ comformability “ as being “helpful types”, “obstructive types”, or “quiet types”, and with respect to “educability” as being “high in educability types” or “low in educability types”, resulting in six student-types. 4. Three types of teacher-student interaction patterns are found. Interaction between the teacher and the two student-types “high in educability and helpful” and “high in educability and obstructive” can be termed a “positive interaction pattern”; interaction between the teacher and the two student-types “low in educability and helpful” and “low in educability and obstructive” can be termed a “negative interaction pattern”; and interaction between the teacher and the “quiet” student-type, whether “high” or “low” in “educability”, can be termed a “random interaction pattern”. 5. The teacher’s student-classification framework implies both student gender and student class distinctions. 6. The teacher’s student-classification framework implies thinking involving both the priority of the class management and utilitarianism.類型學生分類架構師生互動typesstudent-classification frameworkteacher-student interaction教師之學生分類架構