楊思偉2019-08-122019-08-121998-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81813本文旨在探討近兩世紀以來,法國師資培育制度及課程之演變,以及其與教育學術發展之關係。法國的教育學研究,1967年是一重要的年度,大學中正式有「教育科學」領域的出現,自此教育學研究有進一步的發展。至於師資培育,則自1833年開始在師範學校進行,但自1989年起改成立「大學師資養成學院」(IUFM)培養,這種培育機構強調中小學合流培育,重視理論與實踐,教職專業的科學性和專業性等。法國師資培育政策的形成,通常包括政府的各種諮議委員會,以及民間的教育學會和團體等的建言,然而政策之形成,其中教育學研究的成果仍是其影響因素之一,但應不是具直接的影響力。The main purpose of this research is to study the evolution of the system and curriculum of the Initial Teacher Training in France from its beginning to the present, and the relation between the curriculum of the Initial Teacher Training and the development of the study of education. The major findings of this study are as fallows: i. The study of education in France has made remarkable progress from 1967 because it started the 「Education science」 field in University. ii. The IUFM system was formed in 1989, and has brought the Initial Teacher Training system into a new era. iii. The results of the study of education reflect one of the factors, not the major one, which influenced the policy of the Initial Teaching Training.教育科學師資培育學程大學師資養成學院Educational scienceCurriculum of the initial teacher trainingIUFMUniversity institutes for teacher training法國師資培育學程與教育學研究之探討Study on the Relation between the Curriculum of the Initial Teacher Training and the Development of the Study of Education in France