蘇憲法Hsien-Fa Su廖云榛Yun-Cheng Liao2020-12-102011-6-242020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096603108%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114974本創作研究主要表現生活之中的感想,以「人」、「城市」、「大眾運輸系統」三者來作為表現的主要架構,在城市的大環境之下,人在大眾運輸系統空間之中所呈現出來的情緒、表情,常是無感且冷淡的,但在內心深處卻往往有著很複雜瑣碎的思緒與想法,而這樣的思緒,在大眾運輸系統的空間之中,濃縮成一個城市的縮影。在筆者就讀研究所的期間,常需要搭乘大眾運輸工具往返,在城市的大眾運輸系統中,筆者常有機會可以觀察到各式各樣的人,於是讓筆者想要從零碎的生活片段,找尋線索進而發展成作品。 從表現主義美學作為一開始的論述主軸,以直覺為出發點,發展以自我主體心靈敘述的創作內涵,再擴大至主體與客體之間的心境轉換,所呈現的背景是以城市裡的大眾運輸系統作為主要描繪的空間場景,並從藝術與視覺心理學發展出創作的空間表現,從心理學的角度抽絲剝繭發掘可供創作的圖像表達與人文思維,之後以班雅明「漫遊者」的觀點,闡述筆者在創作時所採取的觀察角度,並說明從中發現的趣味與內容,而在形式表達的部份,則選取剪影作為圖像表現的方式,在文本中說明簡影及留白的隱喻運用以及藝術創作中的獨特語法。 在文本最後闡述,從生活中找尋創作來源與主題一直都是筆者所努力的方向,希望在當代生活環境中所得到的感觸與想法,藉著平面繪畫做為媒介,使平時生活的體驗與想法化為實際的作品。在此次的創作作品中,透過剪影、平塗、重組的方式,讓畫面呈現俐落簡約的風格,以大眾運輸系統的空間做為主要場景,使用漫遊者的角度為觀察視點,將漫遊在城市運輸系統間的時光片段剪輯成一幅幅畫面,透過窗景、車廂空間、剪影人物展現城市的另一種風貌。This creative study aims to express feels in life with “human beings”, “city” and “public transportation system” the main framework for expression. In the big environment of a city, sentiments and countenances expressed by people in the space of a public transportation system are often senseless and indifferent. But deep inside their minds there are always very complicated and trivial thinking and thoughts. And such thinking, in the space of the public transportation system, condenses into an epitome of the city. While at graduate school, the writer often had an opportunity to observe all kinds of people. Accordingly, the writer would like to crisscross fragmentary slices of life for clues and then proceed to develop them into a piece of work. Starting from intuition, with expressionist aesthetic as the theoretical axis, this study attempted to develop a creation meaning narrating with the subject’s mind, then expand it to a transfer between subject and object. The background form thus expressed was a space scene that mainly describes the public transportation system of the city. Moreover, out of art and visual psychology, a creative space expression was developed. And from the perspective of psychology, we made a painstaking investigation to find out graphic expressions and cultural thinking that could be provided for creation. After that, from Walter Benjamin’s “flâneur” (wanderer) perspective, the observation angle adopted by the writer during creativity was elaborated, and the interest and content found therein was described. In respect of form expressions, modern art paper-cut silhouette was selected to serve as a metaphor for graphic expressions. In the text, application of the metaphor and a peculiar syntax in art creation was described. Combing through life for sources and subjects of creation is a direction which the writer has been striven for. It is hoped that what we perceive and think from the contemporary living environment can, by making plane painting a media, transform day-to-day experiences and thoughts into a real piece of work. In this creation, the most suitable media and techniques were selected, while content and form were determined properly. In every piece of work, through paper-cut silhouette, coating method, and restructuring, the appearance showed a well-executed, concise style. With the space of a public transportation system the main scene, a “flâneur” perspective was employed, sections of time during transportation were edited into picture after picture. Through “windowscape”, carriage space, paper-cut silhouette figures, an alternative view of the city was demonstrated.城市旅行張望漫遊大眾運輸系統CityTravelLooking AroundWanderingPublic Transportation System城市旅行的張望—漫遊城市圖像之創作研究Looking Around The City Travel — A Creative Study on Wandering Image