鍾宗憲Chung, Chung-Hsien官欣安Kuan, Hsin-An2022-06-072021-01-282022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/68633a78f37eb4b2dc7f79d4a9d863f3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116470本文以秦漢文獻中的「舜形象描寫」為主要研究對象,目的不僅僅在於針對該人物資料的統合、演變,而是企圖探究舜作為聖王與聖人的相關認定之價值判斷基準,同時反思何以在紛繁相異甚至論述對立的文獻中仍能維持舜至高地位的共識,因此本文涉及的第一層面必然是文獻的整理,其次是思想與邏輯脈絡的分類,細分可以將本文分為幾個部分:古史傳說、史書人物、有所依託的片段性格描述,呼應本文題目便是舜形象的三個方面:初始形象、基礎形象與衍生形象。 「初始形象」與「古史傳說」合而一觀所產生的便是將舜從歷史人物的形象進行時間線上的上溯,檢視人格之前所具有的、與商周文化及祖先神/上帝有關的「神格」,藉此意識到在神格描寫逐漸淡化而人的成分加重之下,後者的文獻的歷史成分並不能成為可靠的根據——舜的歷史形象經由此番推論而得以顯露其「故事」的特徵,這項推論實仰賴於顧頡剛等《古史辨》學者對「文獻年代」的定位與懷疑,以及後來借助甲文、金文等王國維、郭沫若、胡厚宣、陳夢家、島邦南等學者的研究成果,使舜的形象於神話和古史兩面向得以相接續。 「史書人物」與「基礎形象」圍繞司馬遷《史記》為核心開展,史遷有意的剪裁先秦文獻並強化舜的「聖王」面向:透過以黃帝為主幹的血脈關係聯繫整個「五帝譜系」,使舜成為前有所承後開三代的古帝王;另外藉由〈五帝本紀〉的比對可以察覺堯—舜—禹三者的禪讓傳統,舜的庶民身分和隨山刊木的禹有所區別並有「天下明德自虞帝始」之說,舜的故事核心從〈堯典〉的禪讓說漸轉入對「明德」的探討,主要集中於家庭和國家之間的關聯性。 「有所依託的片段性格描述」與「衍生形象」的討論是根據秦漢間諸子雜文等蒐羅並進行議題上的分析,大致可以分為個人德行與理國之道,細部內容著重於家、國關係的演變,這項關乎堯舜禪讓間的合理性與君臣尊卑的考量、人的教化從「德」或從「術」的問題,這類型的討論背後為學派造說的痕跡較明顯,因此更多涉及的會是對「政治維繫」的觀點,從舜的論述發展能夠發現背後的問題在於:不論是舉賢或是禪讓,以舜為中心的理想形象並沒有實際落實於現世的可能,這也意味著舜的形象與相關故事價值不全然依賴於「事蹟」,而在於「後來之人如何解讀與編造相關事蹟」的詮釋視角與價值觀歷時的修正。Most of Chinese do not separate myth from historical figure of Shun. However, according to traditional documentation,details are open to variation,and one version may condict the details of another, but Shun has been recognized as Great Lord for centuries, the situation may connected to Chinese narratives of Shun’ image, before any attempt to solve this problem, this text will follow the academic custom of collecting traditional documentation and explaining potential meaning within Shun. At first, Shun’s potential image should be distinguished by its myth.Debates on Ancient history, was written by Gu Jiegang and The Doubting Antiquity School,attributing their perspective about ancient history, Shun became a character and common ideal rather than a historical figure. After Gu Jiegang and The Doubting Antiquity School, Oracle bone script was utilized by Wang Guowei and Guo Moruo ,Shun’s potential image could be justified from those documentation as well, also , the research scholars discovered that Shun was related to the ancestor and the Supreme Being of Shang and Zhou dynasty, thus, Shun had been identified as religious and historical model. Shun’s basic image was matured by Sima Qian and The Records of the Grand Historian. As a historian,Sima Qian tried to build a Genealogy of morality and biography about Five Great Lord—Shun was supposed to be a pioneer of Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasty. Within Shun’s description,the discussion of Shan Rang are always prevalent, Sima Qian combined Shan Rang and Shun’ personal moral to describe values between family and country. Aside from Sima Qian and The Records of the Grand Historian, there are some texts provide other aspects ,most of them filled of imaginations and specific purpose.Aithough we can’t make sure which one is truth or lie, still can realize the construction of Shun.舜上古史傳說禪讓人物形象ShunAncient HistoryMyth and LengendShan RangPersonal Image舜的形象建構與辯證——由《古史辨》的討論展開The Construction of Shun’s Personal Image from Comparative Studies: A Discussion Starts from “Debates On Ancient History”