鄭怡庭Yi-ting Ethan Zheng余玟欣Wen-hsin Yu2019-08-282015-2-182019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698810108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85878  夏洛克.福爾摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)無疑是世界上最知名的偵探之一。這名由亞瑟.柯南.道爾爵士(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)所創造的偵探,不僅在其誕生的英國當地蔚為風行,他的事蹟更藉由翻譯在世界各地流傳長達百年。   十九世紀時,力求富強的東亞國家──中國與日本──受到當時以西方為首帝國主義的影響,在直接或是間接感受到西方世界政經、文化和流行之後,利用各種方法將這些熱潮帶到中國與日本。因而在晚清中國和明治日本歷史中產生大量翻譯小說,這不僅讓個別領域或目的的讀者接觸到西方政經、科學等實用性知識,在大眾文學的貢獻上也不容小覷,更因此形成了一股創作的熱潮,在這之中福爾摩斯探案翻譯尤其受到歡迎,而福爾摩斯探案翻譯的出現更在日本引領出一種全新的文學類型。本文嘗試梳理同一時期兩國福爾摩斯探案翻譯的特徵,同時借以管窺當時中日雙方的社會型態及翻譯的影響。   本文以兩國出現第一篇福爾摩斯探案翻譯的時期為基準,將中國晚清時期及日本明治時代後期的1893年至1912年為時間背景,以當時常見於報章雜誌,柯南.道爾所撰寫的福爾摩斯探案系列短篇為主,並輔以長篇作品作為參考,進行對照比較。第一章緒論說明論文研究動機與目的、研究方法及目前的研究概況;第二章以中國晚清和日本明治的翻譯背景為主,針對翻譯小說的部分進行分析介紹,以說明過程中翻譯小說的演變和特徵;第三章承接第二章,強調此時期偵探推理小說,也就是福爾摩斯探案在這段時期所扮演的角色,從晚清和明治對福爾摩斯探案篇名及情節的翻譯來看譯者的翻譯策略與特徵;第四章則著重作品內容的文化層面,比對原作、晚清及明治時期福爾摩斯探案翻譯中的人物形象情感、制度、物質,觀察之中的文化受容情形;第五章結語概括總結本論文。Sherlock Holmes is certainly one of the greatest fictional detectives known. The character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) is famous in the place of his birth, the United Kingdom, and translations of the novels also brought him and his cases overseas. In the 19th Century, China and Japan, while influenced by the western imperialism, tried to follow the western trends of politics, economy, society and fashion. Therefore, translations of novels provided a crucial way to input information of western politics, economy and science for the readers. The translated novels even spudded the creation activities in Late-Qing China and Meiji Japan. Among all the translation genres, detective stories, especially Sherlock Holmes stories, were most popular, and the stories even induced a brand new genre of literature in Japan. The features of translated Sherlock Holmes novels during the same period of China and Japan were analyzed and the social patterns between Late-Qing China and Meiji Japan were characterized in this thesis. In this thesis, all short stories of Sherlock Holmes cases translated in Late-Qing China and Meiji Japan in the basis of time from 1893 to 1912 were compared. The research motivations, materials, purposes, and approaches of studies are outlined in Chapter One, and the evolution history of translated novels in Late-Qing China and Meiji Japan’s is introduced in Chapter Two. In Chapter Two, the translated titles and materials of the Sherlock Holmes stories are compared to the original creations to feature the strategies of Late-Qing China and Meiji Japan translators. And Chapter Four is focused on the personalities, emotion and social layer of the characters in the stories to discover the cultural exchange obtained in these translations. In the end, a conclusion is made in Chapter Five.福爾摩斯比較文學文化翻譯晚清中國明治日本Sherlock HolmesComparative literaryCultural translationLate-Qing ChinaMeiji Japan遇見福爾摩斯:以中國晚清時期與日本明治時期福爾摩斯探案翻譯為例Meeting Sherlock Holmes: Translations of Sherlock Holmes Stories in Late-Qing China and Meiji Japan