麥康妮Mak, Athena H.N.謝卓頤Tse, Cheuk-Yee2023-12-082023-07-242023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/672f7d01c98898654f0af9bdab52b6ec/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121748廉價航空公司 (廉航) 的營運概念在 70 年代被歐洲廣泛使用,亞洲地區也跟隨在 90 年代開始普及。由於廉航使航空運輸成為常見的旅遊方式,讓顧客慢慢走向低成本旅 遊,並尋求低票價,高服務標準的航空公司。本研究目的為:(一) 探討機艙環境條件與 顧客感知價值之關係;(二) 探討機艙空間安排與顧客感知價值之關係;(三) 探討機艙社 交互動環境與顧客感知價值之關係;(四) 探討顧客感知價值對再購意願之影響;(五) 瞭 解曾經搭乘廉價航空顧客之人口統計變項。本研究為量化研究,問卷內容翻譯及修改自國外學者提出之服務場景 (包含機艙環 境條件、機艙空間安排和機艙社交互動環境) 、顧客感知價值與再購意願量表,建構出 合適的研究問卷共 42 題,再經過三位學者及一位航空業從業人員檢測問卷之內容效度。 本研究採用立意抽樣法,從 2023 年 3 月 15 日至 2023 年 4 月 15 日,以曾經搭乘廉價航 空之顧客為研究對象,通過現場邀請和使用 SurveyCake 進行網路問卷調查,收回有效 問卷共 328 份,並以統計軟體 SPSS 26.0 進行資料分析。研究結果發現,機艙環境條件 對於顧客感知價值有部分顯著影響;機艙空間安排和機艙社交互動環境對顧客感知價值 皆有顯著影響;顧客感知價值對再購意願有顯著影響。研究建議航空業界與飛機製造商 持續研究與討論改善飛機噪音水平議題、優化飛機客艙裡的佈局安排和標誌指示、嚴謹 檢查空服員的妝容與制服,加強員工培訓以提升空服員的專業形象,從而穩定高品質的 服務水平,為廉價航空公司創造積極向的服務口碑與形象,提升顧客再購意願。The concept of low-cost carriers (LCC) was proposed by Europe in the 1970s, then it was popularized to Asia in the 1990s. Nowadays, air transport has become a more common travel method because of the affordable airfares offered by LCC (Han, 2013) and the increasing number of LCC passengers who tend to choose low-cost travel methods, and passengers will seek lower airfares and higher service standards (Han, 2013). The objectives of this study are: (1) to explore how the cabin physical environment affects passenger perceived value. (2) to explore how cabin space/ function affects passenger perceived value. (3) to explore how cabin social interactions influence the perceived value of passengers. (4) to investigate how passenger perceived value influences the repurchase intention, and (5) to realize the demographic variable of passengers who embarked LCC.In this quantitative study, the questionnaire was translated and modified from the servicescape (including ambient conditions, space/ function conditions and sign, symbols & artefacts), passenger perceived value and repurchase intention scale which was proposed by overseas scholars. The questionnaire contained a total of 42 questions and invited three scholars and one senior cabin crew in the airline industry to test the validity of the questionnaire. A purposive sampling method was applied inthis study, and the data was collected from March 15, 2023 to April 15, 2023 through the online survey platform SurveyCake, passengers who had flown on low-cost airlines flight within recent ten years were invited to fill in the questionnaire. After eliminating invalid responses, 328 valid responses were obtained for analysis, and data analysis was conducted by SPSS 26.0 software. It were founded ambient conditions have a partially significant effect on the passenger perceived value; space/ function conditions and cabin social interactions have a significant effect on passenger perceived value, and passenger perceived value has a significant effect on repurchase intention. Therefore, it recommends airline industry and the aircraft manufacturers continue to study and discuss the issue of improving aircraft noise levels, optimizing the layout and symbol in the cabin, examining flight attendant’s grooming and uniforms, strengthening the staff training in order to enhance the professional image, stabilize the high quality of service and create a positive service reputation and image for low-cost airlines.廉價航空公司服務場景社會服務場景感知價值再購意願low-cost carrierservicescapesocial servicescapeperceived valuerepurchase intention廉價航空公司服務場景、感知價值與顧客再購意願之探究Exploring the Relationship Amongst Servicescape, Perceived Value and Repurchase Intention in Low-Cost Carriersetd