國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃禎貞 林世華 葉國樑 曾治乾 2014-12-022014-12-022009-07-011560-1277http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40536本研究目的在瞭解死亡教育融入中學健康課程對青少年生命意義的影響。本研究採用「準實驗設計」,以國中生為研究對象,依研究所需選取嘉義縣某國中學生4班,分派2班為實驗組(55人)、2班為對照組(53人)。實驗組參與8週的死亡教育課程融入課程,對照組在介入期間則參與一般學校課程。實驗組與對照組同時以生命意義量表在教學介入的前1週進行前測、教學介入的後1週與後6週進行後測與追蹤測驗。資料分析以α=.05的顯著水準,採用單變項共變數分析(ANCOVA),結果顯示死亡教育融入學校之健康課程能提升國中生的生命意義感。研究內容針對研究結果加以討論,並且提出建議以供未來研究與實務應用上之參考。The goal of this research is to understand the impact of incorporating death education into the health curriculum of middle schools with a purpose to see the meaning of life in teenagers. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. Four classes of 8th grade students from the TL junior high school in Chiayi county were selected as subjects and randomly divided into an experimental group (n=55) and a control group (n=53). The experimental group took a series of death education courses for 8 weeks, while the control group did not. The Purpose in Life Tests were administered a week before, a week after, and six weeks after the death education courses as the pre-test, post-test, and post-post-test of intervention to all subjects to evaluate their purpose in life. The data was analyzed by One-Factor Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with an alpha value of .05 levels. The result shows that infusing death education into the health curriculum in middle school could increase the purpose in life to junior high school students. The result was discussed and suggestions were made for future research and applications.生命意義感 死亡教育 青少年 Adolescent�eath education�urpose in life提升孩子的生命意義感--死亡教育融入國中健康課程之效果研究Improving Teenagers Purpose in LifeThe Impact of Incorporating Death Education into Health Education Curriculum�