黃麗娟2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14993〈平王與王子木〉一文雖已經過多位學者進行詮釋,迭有創見,然而各家釋文不乏意見相左,歧異甚大的狀況。不惟釋意歧異頗劇,簡文編連亦大相其趣。本文針對以下九項條自依序進行討論,希望能夠經由字形、字音、字義的校釋與傳世文獻的比對,釐清簡文文句原來論述的真貌:一、簡次編連。二、與平主問鄭壽是否為相連的兩篇。三. 讀作適,行而未至。四、 讀作陳,楚邑陳縣。五、暑飤讀作舍食。六、「 」讀作宿。七、 讀作遇。八、 於 中。九、 不 。King Ping and Prince Mu' ,one chapter from volume VI of Chu bamboo slips of the warring states period collected from shanghai museum, although had been collated and evaluated by many scholars for many times, yet leaves lots of doubts and questions waiting to be solved. This paper discusses some issues below,tries to clarify some mysteries. First, the accurate order ofthe five slips. Second, irKing Ping and Prince Mu'and ‘What king Ping Ask Shou-Zheng'are serial transcribed chapters by the same copyist at the same time, and on the serial slips made-up together. Third, the accurate explanations of several words below: 、 、 、 . Fourth, are accurate county of in country Chu. Fifth, the accurate explanations of ‘ 不 ‘.競坪王王子木醋菜不酸甕不蓋Prince MuKing Ping and Prince Musixth volume of Chu bamboo slips from shanghai museum上博六〈平王與王子木〉校釋The Collation and Explication on ‘King Ping and Prince Mu'