黃煜Yu Huang李振綱Chen-Kang, Li2019-09-052007-7-232019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693310012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107636本研究目的旨在建立職棒球團規劃實施現場促銷活動的步驟,並檢視現場促銷活動對入場人數之影響。經整理促銷相關文獻後由學者專家審視編製訪談大綱,與中華職棒六球團部門主管進行深度訪談,了解促銷規劃暨實施之過程;針對報紙新聞及球團網站進行文件分析,了解其活動之型態及內容;並由統計方法t檢定檢視現場促銷活動對觀眾人數之影響。經整理研究結果做出結論如下: 一、職棒球團現場促銷活動以提供非價格的促銷誘因為主,可分為(一)贈 品;(二)特殊主題;(三)活動;(四)折扣優惠四類。 二、影響職棒球團規劃暨實施現場促銷活動之影響因素包括缺乏主客場制度、 無自有球場、球員簽賭、進場人數少導致影響到現場促銷活動的舉辦效 果,而在宣傳及執行上面會受到聯盟、賽程安排的限制,內部部門間的溝 通協調不順暢造成規劃的阻礙。 三、職棒球團實施現場促銷活動之動機為商業考量及服務球迷。 四、職棒球團規劃實施現場促銷活動之步驟包括(一)尋求資源;(二)情境 分析;(三)設定目標;(四)發展促銷方案;(五)活動宣傳;(六) 任務分工及人力訓練;(七)活動執行;(八)效益評估。 五、在所有比賽中實施現場促銷活動對於觀眾人數會造成正面影響,但並非所 有球團施行現場促銷活動皆會造成觀眾人數明顯增加。Ticket revenue plays a vital role for professional baseball clubs. It has been proved that game day promotion has a positive impact upon attendance. Most of scholar researches in the past focused on promotion’s effect. It’s due to planning is related to effect, however, the effectiveness of any promotional tactics would heavily rely on a sound planning and execution. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine planning and executing procedure on game day promotions, and how to plan promotions in the baseball fields which can be a reference model for the academic circle and the business circle in the near future. The data were collected through interviewing with promotional units or marketing departments of six baseball franchises in conjunction with news clips and official websites of six baseball clubs related to this research topics. The interview guideline was developed based upon relevant literature and validated through examination of several sport marketing experts. The t-test was adopted to analyze the effect of the game-day promotions upon the attendance. Several important conclusions were made as follows: 1.There were four categories of game day promotions in Chinese Professional Baseball clubs: (1) promotional giveaways, (2) special theme, (3) activity, and (4) discount, most of them are non-price oriented. 2.Many factors affected planning and executing game day promotions, such as competition systems, venue cooperation, gambling issue, and attendance numbers. Besides, the promotion and implementation task was limited by the league and competition schedule. The internal conflict among various units caused some problems as well, particularly in the planning stage. 3.The motives of planning game day promotions were finance- oriented and value-added. 4.The steps of planning and executing game day promotions were developed as: (1) seeking for resource, (2) situational analysis, (3) setting goal, (4) developing promotion programs, (5) advertising, (6) job assignments and human resource solicitation, (7) execution, and (8) evaluation. 5.Game day promotions in Chinese Professional Baseball clubs had a positive impact on attendance figures, but not every club’s promotion made attendance improved.職業棒球運動行銷銷售促進現場促銷活動professional baseballsport marketingsales promotiongame day promotions中華職棒球團現場促銷活動之研究A study on game day promotions in Chinese Professional