陳昭伶陳政友羅惠丹2014-10-272014-10-272009-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/279本研究目的在探討基隆地區高中職學生健康促進生活型態及相關因素,採問卷調查法,以基 隆地區高中職學生為母群體,經多步驟抽樣法抽取樣本,進行團體施測,共得有效樣本664人。重要發現如下:一、研究對象之健康促進生活型態屬中等程度,六 個層面中以「自我實現得分」最高,其次依序為壓力處理、人際處理、營養、運動、健康責任。二、高中生、就讀公立學校、父親健康者、母親健康者、父母管教方 式採開明民主、高社經地位、家庭功能良好、家人和朋友對健康活動的支持度高、有參加健康促進課程者,其健康促進生活型態較佳。三、研究對象的健康概念、健 康行為自我效能、自覺健康控握、自覺健康狀況與健康促進生活型態彼此間呈顯著正相關。四、健康行為自我效能、健康概念、家庭功能、家人對健康活動的支持、 強勢他人外控、公私立學校別等六變項可有效預測健康促進生活型態,其中以「健康行為自我效能」為最佳預測變項。The purpose of this study is to realize the health-promoting lifestyles and the related factors among high schools students in Keelung, Taiwan. A questionnaire is developed and utilized to collect the data. All the students enrolled in the high schools are the population in the study. A multi-stage sampling method is applied to select the sample. There are 664 valid samples are collected. The major findings are summarized as follow: (1)The scores of the health-promoting lifestyles is in the middle level. Among the six aspects of health-promoting lifestyles, The highest score is self-actualization, followed by stress management, interpersonal support, nutrition and exercise. The lowest score is health responsibility. (2)The following factors are ones who have better health-promoting lifestyles: high school students, public high school students, those with healthy parents, liberal parents, those whose parents own higher social status and those who have well-functioning families, with friends or families who are supportive to their health-related activities, those who have attainted the health promoting courses. (3)The health-promoting lifestyles have significantly positive correlation with health concept, self-efficacy of health behavior, perceived control of health and perceived health status. (4)The self-efficacy of health behavior, health concept, family's function, social support of health activity with family, perceived control of health, public school are the significant predictors to health-promoting lifestyles. Perceived self-efficacy is the most powerful predictor.高中職學生健康促進生活型態high school and vocational schoolhealth-promoting lifestyles基隆地區高中職學生健康促進生活型態及相關因素探討Health-Promoting Lifestyles and the Related Factors among High Schools and Vocational Schools Students in Keelung, Taiwan