洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao黃惠筠Huang, Hui-Yun2022-06-082021-11-112022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6b9fe6cc9266ff88fba07fb6c43d9a35/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116591華語學習的旋風席捲全世界,這股風潮也帶動了數以千計有關華語的研究。在瞭解臺灣的華語學習研究後,對於海外與華語研究的情形,尤其是學習者所面臨的挑戰、動機、情緒等,也值得注意與探討。因此,本研究以夏威夷地區成人華語學習者為研究對象,以自我決定論為基礎,目的在於探討成人學習者參與無學分華語課程班,學習華語的動機,以及影響繼續學習的情意因素。本研究使用質性的訪談方式,在結束訪談後,利用描述性與解釋性方式,將訪談內容進行整理與分析,提出以下五項結論。(一) 成人參與華語課程班的動機包含內在、外在、認同動機三種。(二) 在五位研究對象中,60% 的研究對象具有華裔血統,他們對中國文化感到興趣,並認為瞭解自己的文化是重要的,也是他們想要學習華語的動機。(三) 成人學習者的成就情緒包含正向與負向。(四) 在負面的成就情緒中,影響學習者不繼續參加課程班的情緒包含「焦慮感」、「無聊感」、「不認同感」。(五) 成功經營成人班的重要關鍵為專業的師資。根據研究結果,本研究對教師提出四點建議。(一) 提升學習者內在動機。(二) 加強教師的教學技能。(三) 善用數位資源。(四) 關心學習者成就情緒。本研究對教學機構的建議如下: (一) 拓展成人華語課程市場。(二) 提供小班制與分級制課程。(三) 提供教師培訓與健全薪資制度。Learning Chinese is booming all over the world. The researches about Chinese learning have been discussed widely. After understanding Chinese language learning and development in Taiwan, it is also worth noting and exploring the situation of overseas Chinese language learning, especially the challenges, motivations, and emotions learners face. This study aims to investigate the motivation and emotion of overseas adults to learn Chinese and the reasons that are affecting them based on the Self-determination theory.After collecting five interviews, data were subjected to “descriptive--interpretive analysis.” The findings revealed that: (1). The motivations of the adult learners in the course include intrinsic, extrinsic, and identified regulation. (2). 60% of the participants have Chinese backgrounds and indicated wanting to learn more about this language and its cultures which are essential to them. (3). Adult learners' emotions include both positive and negative. (4). Of all the negative emotions, the ones that influenced learners not to continue with the course were "anxiety," "boredom," and "disagreement." (5). Professional teachers are the crucial element to run adult classes successfully. Based on the study's findings, the recommendations for teachers in this study are as follows: (1). Promote learner's intrinsic motivation. (2). Strengthen teaching skills. (3). Conduct digital resources. The following are suggestions for education institutions: (1). Expand Chinese program to adult learners. (2). Provide small class sizes and different level courses for learners. (3). Provide teacher training programs and a competitive compensation system.成人華語學習自我決定論學習動機AdultChinese LearningSelf-Determination TheoryLearning Motivation以自我決定論探討海外成人學習華語之動機與情緒研究-以美籍成人學習者為例A Study of Chinese Learning Motivation and Emotion of American Adult Learners: A Perspective of Self-Determination Theory學術論文