陳滿銘Chen, Man-ming2014-10-272014-10-272011-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25102「章法」所探討的,是篇章內容的邏輯結構。由於這種邏輯結構,乃對應於自然,由「陰陽二元對待」為基礎而形成細緻、複雜、多變的邏輯系統,足以反映出宇宙創生、含容萬物在時空歷程上那種細緻、複雜與多變之層次邏輯;並且又由於此基礎之「陰陽二元」,往往是「陰中有陽」、「陽中有陰」的;所以就使得對應於自然規律的各種章法,往往形成各種包孕式之邏輯結構,造成層次、變化、統一、諧和之美感。本文即鎖定這種結構,先探討其哲學義涵與主要類型,而以全篇用「因果」章法包孕而成之詩文為例作考察,然後略作美學之詮釋,以見這種包孕式結構之奧妙。The organization of writing is the way to present the logic structure of a literary work. Such a structure corresponds to the “binary confrontation”between masculine (Yang) and feminine (Yin) attributes of the universe that contributes to a detailed, complicated, and varied logic system. It also reflects the process of creation and gestation of all things on earth. Based on the binary relation, all things bear Yin and embrace Yang. Accordingly, the organization of writing, when refers to natural rules, will form a conceiving logic structure that brings out a sense of beauty characterized by gradation,reflection and complement. This article explores the philosophical connotation and the primary types of conceiving structure in literary works.The author also demonstrates the subtleness of conceiving structure byexemplifying the organization of writing under the category of cause-and-effect in full texts of classical literature, and illustrating the aesthetic.章法因果包孕式結構哲學義涵美學詮釋the organization of writingcause-and-effectconceiving structurephilosophical connotationinterpretation of the aesthetic論章法之包孕式結構The Conceiving Structure in the Organization ofWriting-- From the Perspective of the Full Texts with the ConceivingStructure of Cause-and-Effect Method