葉坤靈Yeh, Kuen-Ling潘欣芸Pan, Sin-Yun2023-12-082023-08-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/844bdef964f6631d84f189f64fae4a6f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119471本研究主軸分為兩大部分。第一部分梳理Heidegger論此有之存在樣態內涵,第二部分以Heidegger論此有之存在樣態作為基礎,分析其在臺灣生命教育中的蘊義。在第一部分Heidegger論此有之存在樣態內涵,分別探討(1)此有的意義,其中包含此有的意義、此有不同於其他存有者的特性、本真存在與非本真存在的樣態,同時亦分析死亡之於生命的存有意義。(2)在世存有的存在樣態,包含際遇、瞭解、言談等。(3)探究Heidegger對存有本身意義的分析,觸及Heidegger後期的思想轉向,探討以詩性語言及科技開顯的存有意義,最後梳理探討存有本身的途徑——靜觀。第二部分將Heidegger的論此有之存在樣態思想連結臺灣生命教育課程,首先分析Heidegger論此有思想於存在主義思潮下的地位,將Heidegger的思想觀點與其他存在主義代表人物思想區隔出來。接著,分析臺灣當前生命教育理念架構的內容並以Heidegger的論此有思想作為基礎對照生命教育理念架構的各個向度。另一方面,梳理臺灣生命教育課程實施情況,並以Heidegger的思想提供原則性的應用建議。 本研究提出Heidegger之卓見如下: 一、Heidegger探討存在問題突破西方傳統哲學思維並開創新局。 二、提出回歸存有本身之探究為哲學被遺忘的根本問題。 三、開啟詮釋現象學的哲學探究新蹊徑。 四、詩語言與安居概念的倡導,具有安頓心靈的效用。 五、提出科技之原初意義,以防工具理性之科技宰制所導致的生態浩劫。 六、參照中國老子道觀,以回歸本真存有之靜觀作為探詢真理之途徑。 七、賦以存在主義形上學之探究方式,厚實生命存在課題之哲學基礎。 八、Heidegger論此有存在樣態之主張可作為生命教育課程與教學實施之理據。The main focus of this research can be divided into two major parts. The first part examines the essence of Heidegger's discourse on the modes of existence, while the second part analyzes its implications in the context of life education in Taiwan. In the first part, the essence of Heidegger's discourse on the modes of existence is explored, including (1) the meaning of existence, encompassing its significance, the characteristics that distinguish it from other beings, and the modes of authentic and inauthentic existence possible, with a particular emphasis on the significance of death. (2) The modes of existence in the world, including situations, understanding, and discourse. (3) Heidegger's analysis of the meaning of existence itself, touching upon his later philosophical shift towards the revealing of existence through poetic language and technology, and finally discussing the path to the essence of existence- contemplation. The second part connects Heidegger's ideas on the modes of existence to the curriculum of life education in Taiwan. Firstly, it analyzes the position of Heidegger's thoughts in the existentialist movement, distinguishing his philosophical perspective from that of other existentialist representatives. Next, it examines the content of the current life education framework in Taiwan and compares it with various dimensions of Heidegger's ideas on the modes of existence.Additionally, it reviews the implementation of life education in Taiwan and offers principled application suggestions based on Heidegger's philosophy. This research presents the following insights from Heidegger: 1.Heidegger explores the issue of existence, breaking through Western traditional philosophical thinking and creating new possibilities. 2.He presents the investigation of the essence of existence as the fundamental problem forgotten in philosophy. 3.He opens up a new path for the philosophical exploration of phenomenology.4.The advocacy of poetic language and the concept of dwelling has a soothing effect on the soul.5.He proposes the original meaning of technology to prevent the ecological catastrophe caused by the domination of technology driven by instrumental rationality.6.Referring to the Daoist view of Laozi in China, he uses the contemplation of true existence as a way to seek truth.7.By endowing existentialism with metaphysical inquiry, he provides a philosophical foundation for profound existential issues.8.Heidegger's arguments on the modes of being can serve as a basis for life education curriculum and instructional implementation.海德格存有論此有存在樣態存在主義生命教育HeideggerOntologyDaseinBeingExistentialismLife EducationHeidegger 論此有之存在樣態及其在臺灣生命教育之蘊義The Significance of Heidegger's Conception of Being and Its Implications for Life Education in Taiwanetd