許維素楊雅雯Ya-Wen Yang2019-08-282009-7-142019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592012007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90747論文名稱:焦點解決團體督導對高中職輔導教師之賦能內涵研究 校院系:國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導研究所 頁數:148 畢業時間:中華民國九十八年六月 學位別:碩士 研究生:楊雅雯 指導教授:許維素博士 中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解焦點解決團體督導對高中職輔導教師之賦能內涵。研究對象為八位高中職輔導教師或主任輔導教師,年齡介於三十一至四十歲之間,皆為女性。研究對象參與一個月進行一次的焦點解決團體督導,並於自己提報個案接受督導後的一週內,與該名個案再晤談一次之後,兩日內隨即接受研究者之事後訪談。本研究之事後訪談以半結構式的深度訪談方式進行,內容謄寫成逐字稿後,以質性研究的開放性編碼進行資料分析,並以Zimmerman(1995)賦能理論為依據,加以歸納統整。本研究結果發現,焦點解決團體督導對於高中職輔導教師有許多賦能內涵,且其賦能內涵可歸納為「個人內在要素」、「互動間要素」、及「行為要素」等三大賦能核心要素,其下並包含許多賦能類別,及賦能成分。茲整理如下: 一、個人內在要素:包括「提昇自我效能」、「增加正向能量感」、「增加 接個案的動機」、「了解並接受自己的能力限制」、「用正向眼光看待 人性」等五個賦能類別,其下共包含十個賦能成分。 二、互動間要素:包括「了解個人在學校系統的責任與角色定位」、「敏銳 的覺察資源」、「提昇諮商專業能力」、「更懂得珍惜與善用督導」、 「諮商成效與滿意度增加」等五個賦能類別,其下共包含九個賦能成分。 三、行為要素:包括「產生因應行為」、「實際運用督導所學知能於諮商 上」、「改變人際相處及家人互動模式」、「對專業成長進行規劃及執 行」等四個賦能類別,其下共包含六個賦能成分。 本研究焦點解決團體督導對於高中職輔導教師產生顯著的賦能,其賦能內涵並不因其背景而有所差別。本研究亦支持焦點解決督導是適合學校輔導教師的督導模式,且團體督導形式亦對學校輔導教師有其適用性。 最後,研究者依據研究結果與討論,針對學校輔導教師,以及未來研究提出相關建議。 關鍵字:焦點解決督導、團體督導、賦能、學校輔導教師Title of Thesis:A study of empowerment connotations of solution-focused group supervising on senior high school counselors Name of Institute:Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University Pages:148 Graduation Time:06/2009 Degree Conferred:Master Student Name:Ya-Wen Yang Advisor Name:Wei-Su Shu Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the empowerment connotations of solution-focused group supervising on senior high school counselors. The subjects of this study consisted of eight female senior high school counselors, aged between 31 and 40. These senior high school counselors participated in a monthly solution-focused group supervision session and submitted their case reports by turns. After the group supervision, these senior high school counselors had to interview their clients again within one week and then they accepted semi-structured in-depth interviews in two days. After transcribing the content of the interviews, the researcher used open coding to perform data analysis, and integrated the results based on Zimmerman’s (1995) theory of empowerment. This study found that solution-focused group supervision has many empowerment connotations for high school counselors. These empowerment connotations could be concluded into three core empowerment components: interpersonal component, interactional component, and behavioral component. These three components and their related categorizations and elements were listed below: 1. Intrapersonal component contained five categorizations including “improving self-efficacy,” “increasing the sense of positive power,” “understanding and accepting the limitations of one’s abilities,” “using a positive outlook on the view of human nature,” and these five categorizations included ten elements. 2. Interactional component contained five categorizations including “understanding one’s responsibility and role in the school system,” “acute perception resources,” “improvement of professional counseling skills,” “cherishing and making good use of the supervising,” “the increase of effectiveness and satisfaction of counseling,” and these five categorizations also included nine elements. 3. Behavioral component contained four categorizations including “generating coping behaviors,” “using skills learned through actual supervision while counseling,” “changing of interpersonal relations and family interaction,” “planning and acting of professional growth,” and these four categorizations included six elements. This study supported that solution-focused group supervision produced noticeable empowerment effect for senior high school counselors, and the connotations of this empowerment were not influenced by the different background of these senior high school counselors. The results also supported the notion that solution-focused supervision was suitable for the supervision model of school counseling. Based on these results, discussions and suggestions were offered for the future research. KEYWORDS: empowerment, group supervision, senior high school counselor, solution-focused supervision焦點解決督導團體督導賦能學校輔導教師empowermentgroup supervisionsenior high school counselorsolution-focused supervision焦點解決團體督導對高中職輔導教師之賦能內涵研究