林震煌Cheng-Huang Lin李桓安Huan-An Lee2019-09-042018-6-192019-09-042013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060042021S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/100345本研究利用同軸-電紡絲法 (co-axial electrospinning) 成功製造出各式功能性微管陣列薄膜 (microtube array membrane),分別應用於層析與光譜。實驗是以聚乳酸或聚碳酸酯的有機溶液,利用 7.5 kV 的高電壓作為驅動力,電噴灑射出多孔洞之中空纖維,並排於收集滾筒上形成微管陣列薄膜。中空纖維管壁的孔洞率可隨實驗條件而加以調控。內徑的大小約20µm,管壁薄約2 µm。 本實驗發現微孔陣列薄膜具有絕佳的吸附特性,被吸附的有機氣體經快速加溫後而被脫附。配合氣相層析質譜法,可做為高效率且可多次重複使用的吸/脫附材料。以丙酮為例,每 1 mg 的聚乳酸纖維可吸/脫附約 0.15 mg 的丙酮。此外,電紡絲法容易將各種奈米等級的顆粒摻雜在纖維管壁內。 並且探討不同還原法製成的奈米銀粒子,其中以鹽酸羥胺還原法配製奈米銀效果最佳,並成功將奈米銀溶液紡入微孔陣列薄膜之中。 以偵測孔雀石綠溶液為例,只需將含有銀粒子的微孔陣列薄膜浸泡於待測樣品溶液中,不需任何額外的前處理步驟,即可直接在顯微鏡式拉曼光譜儀之下直接進行觀測。基於表面增強拉曼效應,可以非常清楚得到孔雀綠的拉曼光譜圖。再者,奈米銀以溶液形態存在時性質較不穩定,但電紡至薄膜纖維時,以固體顆粒的型式存在則可存放較長的時間。In this study, we manufacture functional microtube array membrane with co-axial electrospinning, were used in chromatography and spectroscopy. Experiments were made use of seven thousand five hundred volts to create a high voltage electric field as the driving force, shooting multi-hole hollow fiber via electrospray and fiber will be collected by collecting drum side by side to form microtube array membrane. Hollow fiber wall porosity can be regulated with the experimental parameters, and the diameter of membrane is about 20 μm, the wall thin 2 μm approximately. Microtube array membrane has excellent adsorption characteristics, the adsorbed organic gases can be quickly desorbed after heating. Combine with gas chromatography can be used as high efficiency and repeatedly absorption / desorption materials. For example, 1 mg polylactic acid fiber can adsorb / desorb about 0.15 mg acetone steam. In addition, the electrospinning method is very easy to mix a variety of nanoscale particles in the fiber wall. At last, we choose Malachite green as the target compound, via the microtube array membrane contain with nanosilver particle. We can get a very clear spectra of malachite green based on surface-enhanced Raman effect. Moreover, nanosilver particle exist in solid type can be stored much longer than liquid type.同軸電紡微孔陣列孔雀綠co-axial electrospinningMTAMalachite green以電紡技術開發多功能性微孔陣列薄膜 的研究與應用Development and application of functional microtube array membranes by the co-axial electrospinning technique.