林震煌Lin, Cheng-Huang陳宇儂Chen, Yu-Nung2019-09-042019-07-092019-09-042019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060542094S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/100233工業上大多以酸洗(黑色氧化)的方式來進行鐵的除銹或防鏽,本研究選用沒食子酸代替業界常用的鹽酸來進行藍染防鏽的實驗。鐵在酸性的環境下會氧化成成二價鐵離子,同時還原溶液中的氫離子並釋放氫氣,其中鐵離子會與沒食子酸進行錯合反應,使得金屬表面形成黑色的四氧化三鐵保護層,藉此防止進一步的氧化生鏽,而由於二價鐵離子與沒食子酸的反應機制複雜,生成的錯合物種類也較為繁多。故本實驗欲簡化以偵測氫氣的方式,進行反應的即時同步監測,儀器選用實驗室自行研發的微哨偵測器,結合氣相層析儀以及全自動進樣系統,過程中會以LabVIEW程式控制進樣流程並搭配NI-4461音效卡進行音頻擷取和數據分析,計算後轉換成氫氣的生成速率,最終以SEM和銹蝕照片的方式討論酸洗處理過後的鐵片,再經浸水氧化的生鏽程度差異,希望藉此得到較佳的防鏽處理配方以延長鋼鐵染黑的使用壽命。Most industries use iron pickling (black oxidation) for rust removal or rust prevention. In this study, Gallic acid was used instead of hydrochloric acid for pickling and rust prevention experiments. Iron in the acidic environment will be oxidized into divalent iron ions, while reducing the hydrogen ions in the solution and releasing hydrogen, in which the iron ions will react with gallic acid, resulting in the formation of black iron oxide on the surface of the metal. The protective layer can prevent further oxidative rusting, and due to the complex reaction mechanism of divalent iron ions and gallic acid, the types of complexes generated are also numerous. Therefore, change to hydrogen detection to simplify this experiment.Use a self-developed milli-whistle detector coupled with a gas chromatograph and a self-assembled autosampler was used to perform simultaneous and simultaneous hydrogen detection. The LabVIEW program controls the automatic sample injection process and uses the NI-4461 sound card for audio and data analysis. After calculation, it can be used to calculate the hydrogen generation rate. Finally, the SEM is used to investigate the degree of difference in the immersion water oxidation test after the pickling process. We hope to get better rust treatment method to prolong the service life of steel black.微型氣哨氣相層析儀氫氣生成速率防鏽milli-whistlegas chromatographyblack oxidationgallic acidLabVIEW以氣相層析/微哨偵測系統同步監測鐵在發藍處理過程中產生的氫氣濃度變化On-line Monitoring of Hydrogen Generation in the Process of Steel-Bluing by Gas Chromatography/Milli-whistle System