國立臺灣師範大學國文學系王基倫2015-01-292015-01-292011-09-011817-0021http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43545本文旨在探討原本以敘事性質為主的記體文章,如何在唐朝古文家韓愈的手中,成功地改換成以抒情性質為主的書寫。韓愈一方面能遵守傳統舊制的規範;另一方面又突破舊制,提出創新寫法,讓抒情性書寫成為可能,從而加強了文學的功能。於是,在記體文章的書寫中形成了兩種創新的現象:(一)游移於敘事與抒情之間,展現敘事性與抒情性交融的書寫特性,(二)以抒情性取代敘事性,展現記體文章的抒情性書寫特性。這兩種現象都增添了古文記體文章的寫作技巧,也對北宋古文家如歐陽脩等人產生了深遠的影響。This article aims to discuss a kind of literary form, called as chi (記, account) in classical prose by Han Yu (韓愈), whose core function is originally for utility, and practicability. Why does chi, pioneered by Han Yu, a literary classicist of Tang Dynasty (唐朝), successfully transform into a kind of literary practice, embedded with lyrical qualities as its primary function? In terms of literary genre, Han Yu can conform to restrictions, and limitations in traditional style of writing; at the same time, Han Yu can break through these restrictions, and limitations, and comes up with a new kind of literary form, which renders lyricism feasible in chi style, and enhance a sense of lyrical aesthetics in Chinese literature. Thus, chi style of writing forms two kinds of new phenomena, and embodies its own characteristics: (1) practicability can be incorporated with lyricism, and (2) lyricism can be also substituted for a function of practicability. These two kinds of phenomena have a strong impact upon later literary classicists of Northern Song Dynasty (北宋), such as Ouyang Xiu (歐陽脩), etc.古文記韓愈歐陽脩抒情性書寫Ancient proseAccountHan YuOu-yang HsiuLyrical writing韓愈記體文章的抒情性書寫The Study of the Lyrical Dimension of Account from the Works of Han Yu