周遵儒黃裕元Yuyuan Huang2019-09-042018-8-282019-09-042013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097723114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99646電子書為傳統書籍經數位化後之書籍檔案,具便於攜帶、線上購買優勢,將電子書數位內容裝載於電子書閱讀器,搭配內建之閱讀軟體、觸控操作的人機互動設計,已成為使用者接觸電子書的主流形式之一。在以E-Ink螢幕設計的電子書閱讀器產品,亦在E-Ink電子書閱讀器導入觸控屏幕設計,如何在人、機互動設計使電子書閱讀器操作介面更易理解、易於學習,以具效率、直覺方式完成閱讀相關操作,為本研究探討方向。 本研究包含兩組實驗,前導性實驗選用Kindle Paperwhite、nook Simple Touch兩款具觸控設計之E-Ink電子紙屏幕之電子書閱讀載具進行使用性評估,經分析歸納適用於電子書閱讀的使用者介面形式,同時利用操作任務計測分析評估操作績效;依據前導性實驗結果建構模擬介面設計實驗。模擬介面設計實驗採取電子書閱讀器常用之翻頁、變更閱讀字型兩項操作任務,搭配(1)觸按(Touch)操作為主與(2)觸滑(Slide)操作為主兩種模擬介面設計,進行操作任務計測分析。 研究結果與建議如下:(1)經常性操作功能,如翻頁、設置書籤等,操作階層少、精準的觸按(Touch)操作可兼具準確與效率;(2)對於如更換字型大小、變換閱讀情境需反覆確認型態操作,可使用具較多互動效果的滑移(Slide)操作搭配即時預覽設定狀態設計。善用不同組合設計,找出最佳化電子書選單設計方案。E-books are becoming increasingly popular, and reading e-books have become the modern way to absorb new knowledge. However, the interactive e-book is no doubt different from the traditional book. The reader must learn and adapt to the new digital interface. In addition, there are different software developers producing e-books, each with design differences in the user interface. Furthermore, how to facilitate the user's experience with the product, from easy-to-navigate interfaces, and at the same time, using the most efficient way to complete instructional readings. The above points provide a direction for further research and study. From studying usability of e-ink Reader, the following is a summary analysis of what is necessary to consider in an e-book software: (1) page turning, (2) font/space settings. These are the Two core functions of user interface design, and producing four kinds of user interface design in experimental prototypes. Afterwards, research and analysis of experimental prototypes. These results are a useful starting point for Mobile interface designers develop more efficiency user interface. The experiments also show the page turning operation can use a more simple touch operation; Change font operation can use a more simple slide operation. Supporting the design of interaction in mobile devices with touch screen interfaces is a key challenge in e-Ink Reader HCI(Human–computer interaction).行動裝置使用性評估使用者介面電子書數位閱讀mobile devicesusability evaluationuser interfacee-booksdigital reading電子書閱讀軟體使用者介面呈現形式設計之探討Designing User Interface of Mobile Applications for E-book Readers