梁桂嘉塗凱柔To kai jo2019-09-052007-7-252019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093632007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103146水墨畫是中國繪畫的主流,其歷史悠久,並被國際公認為非常有特色的一種繪畫藝術。而水墨畫中的「水與墨」更是佔了絕大的角色,透過種種輕重剛柔的筆法線條、水墨技法交錯渲染運用表現,就是希望以最少的筆墨表達最多的意境,將水墨畫中的抒情寫意表現的淋漓盡致。 數位藝術是二十世紀人類的一大發明,短短數十年的發展,深切影響了大眾的日常生活。電腦繪圖的精確性、複製性、變形性、意外性的特性,且在美術與設計的領域上更為突出,而數位藝術創作過程中的模仿、衍生、創新、突現種種創作表現形式,更是顛覆了美術史中千百年來的創作模式。 本研究,以水墨畫中的「水墨技法」應用於數位插畫為創作基礎形式,運用墨法中的濃淡乾濕,結合數位插畫創作的特性,以電腦繪圖軟體為媒介,達到傳統繪畫技巧融入數位插畫創作的新面貌。 本研究分為幾個部份分析探討,首先說明研究之動機與目的,並依研究的方法與範圍限制,擬定後續創作研究流程。在文獻探討部分,主要探討中國水墨畫墨法用色的演變、空間構圖概念、筆墨技法,及其表現形式與當代水墨的創新思維,並將傳統繪畫與數位繪畫加以分析比較。 創作主題以具有中國神話浪漫色彩的花神與花為對象,尋求構成理論中的水墨技法、線條與空間處理,藉以建構本創作研究之元素與表現形式。探討內容為: 一、 探討花與花神的源起及人物風格 二、 探討水墨技法應用於數位插畫創作形式。 三、 探討創作構圖設計與色彩應用。 最後,將研究創作的過程做具體的分析說明,創作理念化為實際的作品,運用電腦繪圖軟體,表現出新的數位插畫風格。暨而歸納總結出中國水墨畫中的水墨技法應用於數位插畫的創作心得及其建議與未來發展。Wash Painting is a mainstream of Chinese painting. It has a long history and has been recognised as a particular kind of art that is marked with a distinguished style. The "ink and wash" technique plays a significant role in wash painting. The spirit of wash painting is to express an emotion or a kind of atmosphere. By means of simple and pure lines executed with various brush strokes and colouring with the wash and ink painting techniques, the spiritual qualities of the painting are emphasised. Digital Arts, a primary innovation in the twentieth century, has influenced the daily life of the masses with its development during a short duration. The Precision, Iteration, Transformation and Serendipity of Computer Graphics have potent influence in the annals of art and graphic design. In addition, the techniques of Mimetic, Derivative, Innovative and Emergent in the process of creating Digital Arts even subvert the conventions of the artistic techniques in the History of Art. The aim of this dissertation is to explore the employment of "ink and wash" techniques in wash painting as the basic formula in Digital Illustration. The combination of traditional Chinese painting techniques and Digital Illustration has achieved new features in Art development by means of deploying the brush strokes of "ink and wash" (e.g. thick, thin, dry and wet) and of combining the characteristics of Digital Illustration via the Computer Graphic software. The discussion and exploration of this research will be presented in several sections by the following procedure. The motivation and aim of this dissertation will be indicated first, followed by the research method and subject, and then the summary of research procedure. In the section on literary review, the development of brush and colouring, concepts of composition, brush strokes, creative formulas used in Chinese wash painting in addition to the innovative ideas in contemporary wash painting will be explored. The comparison between traditional painting and Digital Arts will be analysed. The subject of the creative work is God of Flowers, and Flowers in Chinese Mythology that are characterised with Romanticism so as to explore the "wash and ink" technique, lines and composition of a picture in theory of construction, and to construct the elements and creative formulas of this research. The issues of the discussion include: I. To discuss the origins of Flowers, and Gods of Flowers, and the characters of Gods of Flowers. II. Exploration of the application of "ink and wash" techniques to the creative formulas in Digital Illustration. III. Exploration of the composition of a picture and the application of colours. Finally, the process of creating the work, executing the creative concepts of concrete art works, and revealing a new Digital Illustration style via Computer Graphic software will be analysed and exemplified. The research concludes with the thoughts and suggestions of the future development of the application of wash painting techniques to Digital Illustration.水墨數位插畫電腦繪圖Ink and WashDigital IllustrationComputer Graphics水墨技法應用於數位插畫之創作研究Research on the Application of Wash Painting Techniques to Digital Illustration