陳勇安闕月清Yung-An ChenNyit-Chin Keh2019-08-122019-08-122016-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81630本研究目的為探討直排輪訓練對國小中度智能障礙兒童靜動態平衡能力之影響。研究方法採單一受試之跨受試多基線設計。結果發現三位研究對象的平衡能力有改善,但能力提升的程度不相同。直排輪訓練對丙生的靜態平衡能力有改善成效、對甲生、乙生的動態平衡能力有改善成效。研究者根據此結果進行討論,並針對未來教學與研究提出建議。The purpose of this study was to focused on examine the effects of in-line skating training in improving static balance and dynamic balance abilities of elementary school age children with intellectual disabilities. A multiple baseline across subjects design was conducted in this research. The results showed: (1)The intervention of in-line skating has a positive influence in improving balance ability of three participants. However, the improvement level varies; (2) The findings indicated that there were effects of static balance ability for Student C and dynamic balance ability for Student A and B. Implications for pedagogy and future research directions are provided.動態平衡直排輪靜態平衡dynamic balancein-line skatingstatic balance直排輪訓練對智能障礙兒童平衡能力之影響Effects of in-line skating training on balance abilities for children with intellectual disabilities