田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu -Lan馬安妮Ma, An-Ni2019-08-282017-06-232019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060001034E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90515本研究旨在探討跨文化遷移下旅居者之認同發展歷程。研究者採立意抽樣,以9位曾就讀臺灣大專院校或正於臺灣大專院校就讀之在臺國際學生為研究對象,探討跨文化遷移對其認同發展之影響,從中了解影響旅居者認同發展之因素,以及跨文化遷移下認同發展歷程。研究者採用質性研究方法,以紮根理論分析程序:開放編碼、主軸編碼、選擇性編碼進行資料分析。 研究結果發現跨文化遷移下旅居者認同發展歷程分為四階段,分別為旅居者的母國經驗、認同開始形塑、重新整合認同、旅居下形成的認同四階段。旅居者的母國經驗之核心主題為生命經驗的形塑與外在環境因素,生命經驗的形塑之內涵為:(1)母國的生活經驗;(2)母國的學習經驗;(3)生涯規劃。外在環境因素之內涵為:(1)對地主國學習環境的考量。 認同開始形塑階段之核心主題為衝擊和危機與因應衝擊和危機。衝擊和危機之內涵為:(1)自我效能感低落;(2)人際關係失去準則;(3)個人歸屬感失去;(4)外在環境差異;(5)與地主國成員的衝突;(6)失去方向感。因應衝擊和危機之內涵為:(1)自我調適;(2)向外尋求協助;(3)明確的目標感;(4)從經驗中尋求解決之道。 重新整合認同階段之核心主題分為關係的建立與連結、個人的反思,關係的建立與連結之內涵為:(1)超越文化隔閡的關懷;(2)對地主國產生興趣。個人的反思之內涵為:(1)對危機的反思與覺察。 旅居下形成的認同之核心主題為跨文化遷移下的改變與影響、突破困頓和重新建構的自我認同。跨文化遷移下的改變與影響之內涵為:(1)認同重建的掙扎;(2)信念和價值觀的改變;(3)跨文化特質的出現。突破困頓之內涵為:(1)危機到整合。重新建構的認同之內涵為:(1)認同組成的改變;(2)未來生涯的擴展;(3)舊與新的對話。 跨文化遷移下的認同發展是一動態歷程,每個階段彼此連貫,相互影響,使每位旅居者產生不同的認同發展結果,影響各階段發展品質,研究發現如下:(1) 旅居者母國的生活經驗影響了在地主國文化衝擊的類型、衝擊感的強度與對衝擊的因應方式;(2) 旅居者在衝擊和危機與因應衝擊和危機的方式間來回,旅居者會根據對衝擊和危機的主觀感受調整因應方式;(3) 旅居者因應衝擊和危機的方式是重新整合自我認同穩定度的關鍵;(4) 旅居者在跨文化遷移下形成的認同內涵與前三階段有關,旅居者經驗的衝擊和危機感以及因應衝擊和危機感的成果影響重新整合的穩定度,也連帶影響重新建構認同的內涵。 根據研究結果,本研究呈現跨文化遷移下旅居者認同發展歷程與影響因子。最後,根據研究過程與結果提出研究限制與相關建議。The purpose of this study was to thoroughly examine the process of identity development in sojourners during cross-cultural transition. Purposive sampling was used to select nine international students who either already attended or were currently enrolled in universities in Taiwan. Experiences shared by the participants were used to identify factors affecting the process of identity development. Qualitative method and grounded theory formed the basis of data analysis during the research, and also included open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Results of this study showed that the development of identity in sojourners during cross-cultural transition involved four steps: the home culture experience, the beginning, reintegration, and reformation of self-identity from their experiences. The two main themes from the home cultural experience included forming life experiences as well as environmental influences. Factors that determine the life experiences of sojourners include: (1) home culture life experiences; (2) home culture study experiences; (3) career development, whereas environmental influences takes into account the learning environment in the host country. Two main themes under the beginning of identity formation are the presence of and response to distress and crisis. The former involves: (1) low self-esteem; (2) lack of personal relationships; (3) loss of a sense of belonging; (4) impact of being in a different external environment; (5) conflict with host country members; (6) experiencing disorientation. The response to distress and crisis consists of: (1) self-assurance; (2) seeking external assistance; (3) having clear and definite goals; (4) finding a solution through past experiences. With regards to the reintegration of identity, establishing and integrating relationships and personal reflections form two main themes. The former involves: (1) caring and nurturing regardless of cultural differences; (2) taking an interest in host country culture, while the latter include personal reflection and awareness to the crisis. The changes and influences during cross-cultural transition, as well as in times of difficulty, and reconstructed identity are the main themes of reformation of identity in sojourners. The changes and influences during cross-cultural transition include: (1) the struggle to rebuild identity; (2) the change of beliefs and values; (3) the appearance of cross-cultural personality. Challenges the sojourners faced include reintegration after a crisis. Reconstructed identity contains: (1) the evolution of identity; (2) expansion of future career developments; (3) the conversation between old and new. Furthermore, the development of identity during cross-cultural transition was a dynamic process. Every step was linked to each other and interrelated, resulting in unique outcomes of the development of identity in each sojourner. This also affected the quality of each step in the research process. The findings of the research showed that: (1) the home culture experience of the sojourner affected the types of distress and crisis they experienced in their host country, the intensity of challenges, and ways they responded to difficulties. (2) the sojourners oscillated in their difficulties and responses to their challenges. They may change their response to difficult experiences according to their subjective feeling towards these challenging experiences. (3) the approach taken by the sojourners in their response to distress and crisis was key to the stability of rebuilt identity. (4) the formation of identity during cross-cultural transition was related to the previous three steps. Furthermore, the approach and attitude of their response to difficulty were not only key to the stability of rebuilt identity, it also impacted the contents of this new identity in the sojourners. This study highlights the process and factors responsible for the development of identity in sojourners during cross-cultural transition. In conclusion, the researcher provides limitations and additional recommendations regarding this study.跨文化遷移旅居者在臺國際學生認同紮根研究cross-cultural transitionsojournerinternationla students in Taiwanidentitygrounded theory跨文化遷移下旅居者認同發展歷程之紮根研究─以在臺國際學生為例A Grounded Theory on the Process of Identity Development in International Student Sojourners during Cross-Cultural Transition in Taiwan