李恆儒Lee, Heng-Ju黃憲忠Huang, Chien-Chung2023-12-082024-01-012023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e55624ed897e0a0bf040c0acbd1070eb/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118733近年來勞動市場不斷更迭。各產業缺工不斷,從高科技半導體到內需服務業,都面臨相同的問題,傳產與製造業呼籲政府放寬外籍勞工的限額以因應燃眉之急。但是內需的服務業同樣面臨相同的問題,從台灣勞動力人口佔比來看,25-44歲人口曾經是台灣核心勞動力來源,但近年隨著少子化影響,44歲以下的人口逐年遞減,反而45到64歲以上的勞動力占比逐年增加顯示勞動力正在逐年老化。凸顯就業市場上的內需服務工作職缺,對年輕族群吸引力不足。勞動市場長期出現低薪、高工時的情形,成為許多年輕人就業時不願意第一時間選擇投入相關產業的原因,本研究計畫採用半結構式訪談,在這個研究中,根據如何解決環保業缺工的研究目的,透過選定的三位專家的意見,了解目前產業因為少子化造成勞動力人口短缺,再加上勞動力逐漸高齡化,所造成的勞動力斷層,業界普遍透過結盟的方式來因應短期的人力需求缺口,透過更縝密的人力調度,互享人力,技術,設備等來因應突發的短期人力需求,並且產業都期望透過更好的工作環境來留住人才,包含更好的員工福利,及更安全的工作環境。除了解決缺工的問題外,這對產業也有正向的發展此外透過更公開多元的招募管道來吸引更多人才投入,同時在企業內部不斷的提供培訓的機會與制度,從企業內部來全面提升員工的工作能力,並且引進半自動的工具機,透過產業升級來提高工作效率,近年來政府新南向策略,積極與教育機構合作,建立產學專班,展開相關的職業訓練,吸引年輕人加入行業也是未來可以解決人力短缺的方式。The term "Huguo shenshan" has been frequently mentioned in the media. Initially, it referred to the mountain range that protected Taiwan from the destructive impact of frequent typhoons, reducing their impact on the island. However, in later years, "Huguo shenshan " has become synonymous with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a global leader in the semiconductor industry. In the early 1980s, recognizing the potential of the technology sector, the government established the Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan's first science park, in Hsinchu. It served as a hub for industries such as integrated circuits, computers and peripherals, telecommunications, optoelectronics, precision machinery, and biotechnology. Over the decades, this development has resulted in numerous economic miracles for Taiwan. However, apart from the high-tech industry, Taiwan's domestic service market has also evolved and diversified. In recent years, the labor market has undergone continuous changes, leading to labor shortages invarious industries, including high-tech semiconductor manufacturing and domestic services. Traditional industries and manufacturing sectors have called for the relaxation of restrictions on foreign labor to address this pressing issue. However, the domestic service industry faces similar challenges. The proportion of Taiwan's working-age population was once dominated by the 25-44 age group, which served as the core labor force. However, in recent years, the declining birth rate has led to a gradual decrease in the population aged below 44, while the proportion of the 45-64 age group has been increasing, indicating an aging workforce. This highlights a lack of attractiveness of domestic service job vacancies for the younger generation in the job market. Furthermore, there has been an imbalance in the long-term development of industries, as well as a severe disparity between higher education and vocational education. The labor market has long been plagued by low wages and long working hours, which have discouraged many young people from immediately choosing to enter related industries. The rise of new industries, such as food delivery services, has made young people increasingly reluctant to invest in various service industries. The working population now places greater emphasis on work-life balance. Many individuals are actively pursuing higher-rewarding jobs that offer not only improved salaries and benefits but also autonomy and a sense of achievement. The primary objective of this study is to explore ways to address the talent gap and labor shortages in specific industries. In conclusion, Taiwan faces various challenges in its labor market, including labor shortages and imbalances in industry development and education. It is necessary to implement strategies such as expanding recruitment channels, internal training and development, establishing partnerships, adopting technological automation, collaborating with educational institutions, and creating emergency plans to address these challenges. Continuous improvement and adjustment of strategies are vital to effectively address the evolving labor market dynamics.環保業勞動市場勞工environmental protection industrylabor marketlabor台灣環保業缺工因素之研究Research on the Factors of Labor Shortage in Taiwan's Environmental Protection Industryetd