吳正己Cheng-Chih Wu陳敏惠Ming-Hui Chen2019-08-292013-09-012019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697080110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93031本研究旨在探討於一人一機學習環境中,性別因素對師生互動行為與學習成效之影響。研究採準實驗設計,參與者為台北市某國民中學七年級兩個班級學生,其中一個班級 31 人為實驗組,另一個班 34 人作為對照組。自變項為一人一機環境,依變項為師生互動關係、學習態度及成尌。本研究以七年級的數學課教學為研究場域,實驗時間共計五週十節課。 研究結果發現,在一人一機學習環境下,女學生所知覺之師生互動較男學生良好也比在傳統教學環境下良好,且女學生的數學學習態度顯著高於男學生,而傳統教學環境男女學生的數學學習成尌差距則比一人一機環境中大。建議教師可適時採用一人一機環境,以提升女學生與老師互動機會,並可搭配同儕輔導策略讓學生之間有更多學習互動的機會,以發揮一人一機教學環境的效果。The purpose of this study is to investigate how one-to-one computing environment may affect different gender students’ interacting with teacher. This research is a quasi- experimental design. Two classes of 7 th grade students participated in this study, one class with 31 students served as the experimental group and the other class with 34 students served as the control group. The independent variable of this study is one-to-one computing environment; whereas the dependent variables are teacher-student interactions, students’ mathematics attitude and achievement. The experiment was conducted two periods a week for five weeks. The results of this study showed that, in one-to-one computing environment, female students perceived better teacher-student interactions and demonstrated more positive learning attitudes than the male students. In addition, female students perceived better teacher-student interactions in the one-to-one computing environment, as compared to the traditional one. It also showed that the one-to-one computing environment reduced the gender effects on students’ achievement. It is suggested that teachers may apply the one-to-one computing environment to promote their interactions with female students. Moreover, by combing the environment with peer-tutoring strategies, more interactions among teacher and students can be generated.一人一機師生互動性別one -to-one computing environmentteacher-student interactionsgender一人一機學習環境中性別因素對師生互動之影響Gender effects on teacher-student interactions in a one-to-one computing environment