林頌堅Sung-Chien Lin2014-10-272014-10-271998-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15268This paper discusses some problems of hypermedia reading. Hypermedia technologies provide users non-sequentially and effective hurnan-machine interfaces when read multimedia information that make the information transmission more powerful. Due to the intuition characterestics and ease of use, the mouse- based input method makes hypermedia reading promoted very well but it also raises a few restrictions in qpplication areas. It is believed that the techniques of spoken-language-based interfaces are very useful to solve these problems. We proposed a novel method of spoken-language input based on properly use of the linguistic characteristics of Mandarin Chinese. Based on this method we also implement a hypermedia system of a Chinese dictionary to prove the feasibility of the spoken-language-based interfaces.超媒體閱讀語音輸入法Hypermedia readingSpoken-language input method語音輸入方法在超媒體閱讀上的應用Spoken-Language Input Method for Hypermedia Reading