宋修德余智誠YU JHIH-CHEN2019-09-042016-7-202019-09-042011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596701210%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98881本研究主要目的係在探討臺北市國中學生在網路倫理態度及網路倫理行為相關,並分析不同背景變項之臺北市國中學生在網路倫理態度與路倫理行為之差異情形。 本研究採研究者自編之「臺北市國中學生網路倫理態度與網路倫理行為量表」為蒐集資料之工具。針對臺北市928位國中生為研究對象,有效問卷回收864份,有效回收率93.1%。資料透過百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本 t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析後,本研究獲致以下結論: 臺北市國中學生在網路倫理態度及行為上是趨於正向、積極的。其次,臺北市國中學生「網路倫理態度」與「網路倫理行為」會因性別、年級、不同父母教育程度、父母對子女網路使用態度、網路使用地點及平均每週上網的時數的不同而有所差異。另外,「網路倫理態度」與「網路倫理行為」不會因網路使用年資不同而有差異。臺北市國中學生在「網路倫理態度」與「網路倫理行為」間有顯著的相關存在。The purpose of this research was to investigate the correlations between Students’ Internet Ethics Attitude and Internet Ethics Behavior of Junior High School Students in Taipei. The differences between Students’ Internet Ethics Attitude and Internet Ethics Behavior of Junior High School Students in Taipei dissimilar background have been to analyze. This study was conducted by questionnaire to assess the relationship between Students’ Internet Ethics Attitude and Internet Ethics Behavior of Junior High School Students in Taipei. The population included Junior High School Students in Taipei. 864 effective copies among the 928 questionnaires released with the vaild recovery rate of 93.1%. The data were processed via statistical methods like percentage, a mean, standard deviation, independent samples t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation etc. The following conclusions were attained: Firstly, Taipei junior high school students in internet ethics attitude and behavior were positive active. Secondly, Junior high school students’ internet ethics attitude and behavior varied significantly from sexuality, grade, different parents’ educational levels, parents’ attitude towards the way how kids using internet, network usage place and network usage time. Moreover, Junior high school students’ internet ethics attitude and behavior varied no significantly from Internet use period. Taipei Junior high school students’ Internet ethical attitude and internet ethical behavior have a significant correlation exists.國中學生網路倫理態度網路倫理行為Junior high school studentinternet ethics attitudeinternet ethics behhavior臺北市國中生網路倫理態度與網路倫理行為關係之研究The Study on the Relationship Between Students’ Internet Ethics Attitude and Internet Ethics Behavior of Junior High School Students in Taipei