陳慧玲Chen, Hueiling蔡政霖Tsai, Cheng-Lin2019-09-032016-06-072019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0103590183%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94855對於消費者而言,如何選擇好的人身保險公司是一重要課題。本研究以一家四度獲選為模範保險公司為個案,探討其經營策略及業務運作模式。此外,本研究利用因素分析,將人身保險業者根據主管機關規定所定期公開揭露之財務指標,萃取出保戶責任、獲利能力、經營能力與財務結構等四項指標,評估個案公司及其他人身保險業者之財務績效。 本研究實證結果顯示,相較於其他同業,個案公司在保戶責任及經營能力表現較不突出。究其可能原因,個案公司主要銷售保障型而非儲蓄型商品,且個案公司主要收入來源為保費收入,而未從事其他業外投資。雖然個案在財務指標表現未顯著優於其他公司,然而個案公司基於對保戶之責任,其申訴率相較其他同業較低。因此,本研究建議消費者在選擇好的保險公司時,除了考慮本研究所建構之四項財務指標外,尚須考慮人身保險公司之商品結構、非保險收入來源佔淨利比,以及申訴率。It is an important issue for customers to choose a good life insurance company. This research investigates the business and operating strategy of a life insurance company using a case company which obtained the model company four times. Inaddition, the study uses factor analysis to establish four indexes including policyholder responsibility, profitability, operating efficiency, and financial structure to evaluate the operating performance of the case company and other life insurance companies. The empirical results indicate that the case company does not perform better than other life insurance companies at policyholder responsibility and operating efficiency. The possible reason is that the case company focuses mainly on protection products not on saving-oriented products. Furthermore, the case company focuses on premium income not non-operating revenues. Although the case company does not perform better than other companies based on financial ratios, the complaint rate of the case company is lower than that of other life insurance. Therefore, except financial ratios, customers need to understand the product types, the ratio of non-operating revenues divided by net income, and complaint rate before choosing a good life insurance company.人身保險公司財務績效申訴率Life insurance companiesFinancial performanceComplaint rate人身保險公司績效之剖析—以P公司為例Exploring Performance of Life Insurance Company :The Case Study of P Life Insurance Company